Devil's Secret - Universal Secret (Book 1) by Deepz Ca'aul - HTML preview

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It was almost a week since James had entered her school as a teacher. James had become a hit as soon as he had joined the school. He was a hit mostly with the girls and the younger teachers, mainly Miss Sonia`, the French teacher.

Miss Sonia` was a hot and pretty teacher. She liked James and it wasn’t a secret, but James didn’t like her and that wasn’t a secret either.

It was Friday again and Katherine was waiting for James near the school gate. As usual he was late again. Katherine couldn’t wait anymore so she went off to look for him. She crossed the front lawn and came to the teacher’s parking lot.

James was standing near Miss Sonia` car holding some boxes in his hands.

Miss Sonia` came towards the car with the keys and opened the trunk. James put the Boxes into the trunk and began walking away when Miss Sonia` stopped him.

“James. Where are you going?” she asked him flirtatiously.

“Home.” James replied nicely.

“why don’t I drop you?” she offered.

“No thanks, someone is waiting for me.” James replied.

“Ohh… girlfriend.” She asked.

“ yeah.. Girlfriend” he replied happily

“ anyways. Thanks.” She told him. She gave him a hug and a kiss on his cheek.

Katherine went red with anger. “How dare he? He can hug everyone in the world.” She thought angrily.

“I thought he loved me. How can he do that to me?” She continued thinking.

She stood there glaring at him angrily. James turned around and found Katherine standing behind him. He walked over to her and did sit-ups holding his ears.

“I’m sorry. I know… I’m late again. But Miss Sonia` needed some help so I just…” he justified.

“Ohh… if she needed your help then why do hang out with me.” She shot out angrily

“I’m sorry. I was just being nice.” James Explained.

“Nice … my foot!” Katherine screamed. She walked off with James following her.

“Hey! Listen. We are just colleagues. I don’t like her.” James continued explaining.

“So, go like her. Who’s stopping you?” She told him

“What? I like you. Damn it!” James told her “ I love you” He continued.

He jumped in front of her way and looked at her seriously.

“Kathy, you are the only girl I can ever love.” James told her emotionally.

“Ok… How many girls have you told this to before?” Katherine mocked him. “What are you doing? You know he loves you.” Her inner goddess screamed at her. “Love My foot!!” she told herself.

She walked off leaving James standing in the middle of the path. James followed her again.

“Kathy. Listen to me!!” He called after her.

“Just leave me alone.” Katherine told him.

“But! Please. Just listen to me” James begged.

“No!!” Katherine said stubbornly.

They soon arrived home. Katherine’s parents had gone to a neighbouring town due to work. Katherine and James had to spend the night with each other, but now Katherine wasn’t going to let him enter the house.

She turned around and looked at James Angrily.

“So. You love me?” She asked him coldly.

“Yes! Yes…” James replied.

“Fine! I’ll believe you. If you really love me, then stay outside tonight. The whole night.” She ordered him stone heartedly.

“What?” James Exclaimed

“Yea. Prove it. That you love me.” Katherine told him mockingly.

“Okay. I’ll do it.” James told her.

“no matter what happens” Katherine told him.

“no matter what happens” James repeated.

“Good, have fun. Bye” Katherine told him.

She entered the house and locked the door. James sat on the porch for a while, and then he walked over to Katherine’s window. He sat down there and watched the shadow move around the room anxiously.


Katherine came out of the bathroom an hour later. She had been crying because it hurt her so much. “How could James do that?” she thought angrily “that jerk! I hate him”

“Are you sure about that?” her inner goddess asked her. “Do you really think he can do that? He was even ready to stay out in the cold and rain for you. Do you still believe he did that?”

“Rain?” she thought. Katherine walked over to the window and moved the curtains. It was raining heavily. James sat under the window watching her. He smiled weakly at her. “See! Now do you believe he loves you? How can you not believe he loves you? You are being a stubborn girl, Katherine. A very stubborn and heartless girl. “Her inner goddess told her.

“James!” she whimpered.

She ran down the stairs and to the front door. She opened it and came out still wrapped in her towel.

“Kathy!” James exclaimed. “What are you doing here? Go back in. you’ll get sick.” James told her.

“I’m sorry Jamie!!!”  She cried. She ran over to him and hugged him tight.

“It’s okay. Come on; let’s get you inside, before you fall sick.

James guided Katherine back into the house and took her upstairs. Katherine was crying again. He made her sit down on his bed and got a dry towel from the cupboard. He began wiping her head dry.

“I’m so sorry Jamie!! I always end up hurting you. I’m so sorry” she cried.

“It’s okay. You didn’t hurt me. I’m fine. Don’t cry baby. It’s ok” James consoled her. He hugged her again and kissed her head. He got her some dry clothes.

“Dress up. You will get sick if you stay in the wet towel.” James told her softly.

James walked into the bathroom to have his bath. After a few minutes he came back out in a towel and found Katherine still sitting on his bed just the way he had left her.

“what’s wrong? Did I do something?” He asked softly

“no…I..” she whimpered. She hugged James tightly and  cried into his neck.

“sssh. It’s okay. Please don’t cry. You know I hate it when you cry.” James begged. “come on wear these.” He told her

He lifted her up in his arms and began carrying her to the bathroom when she stopped him.

“Don’t.” she told him

He put her down slowly. She lifted her head and kissed him on his lips. She pulled his head closer and kissed him again. James kissed her back. He slowly traced his finger down her face and then her neck. She pushed herself against his body. He lifted her up and carried her over to the bed. He slowly laid her on the bed and trailed kisses down her neck until he reached the crook of her neck.

She was ready to be marked, but he didn’t know what would happen after it. His teeth emerged and he slowly dug it into her shoulder. She muffled her cry by pushing her face into his chest.

She slowly began remembering everything. And at last she could remember everything. Her scent which had been masked was stronger and more identifiable.  Now they could track her. And kill her.