Divine Obstacle by Gamcha King - HTML preview

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When Mitzy came and woke me up it was seven O’clock in the evening.

“Madam it’s late and I was worried about you. You didn’t get up even to have lunch. I had to wake you up because I couldn’t wait any more.”

When I wanted to get up I realized that the back of my night dress is wet. I must have had a wet dream. But I can’t remember it. So I told Mitzy to serve the dinner that I would come to eat soon. When she left I got up and started changing the bed linen first. Then I took a shower and after that I was feeling much better. I was hungry but couldn’t consume lot. On and off I was thinking of Shane. He will be starting to play in another two hours time. I was wondering whether to go there or not to see him. Finally I decided not to.

I switched on the TV to see whether there will be something interesting. After looking into all the channels finally I settled with MTV. I don’t know how long I have been watching MTV but when that song from Brian Adams came on the screen it blew me apart. I have to see Shane today. I switched off the TV and went into my room. I buzzed 02 on the Inter-com and Logus’s voice came in.

“Yes madam?”

“I am going dancing to the same place as day before in half an hour.”

“We will be ready madam.”

When I walked into the dancing it was not crowded like Saturday but it was really good for a Monday. Shane was playing. I took a seat a bit far from the stage and the dance floor and settled down. When a waiter came to me I ordered a lemon soda for me. I was watching him.

He is looking normal just like the day before yesterday. Only difference today is now I know him better. When the band took a break I saw Shane going and sitting on the same seat. I slowly got up and started walking towards his table. He saw me from a distance and stood up at once and started towards me. We met half way of our walk.

“Hi! Sera, I am glad to see you.”

I wanted to tell him that I was longing to see him. The eye contact sent a shiver down my spine.

“Me too.”

I kissed his cheeks. I saw the chain I put on his neck is still there. He must have remembered me at least when he was looking in the mirror. That is something.

“Shane I have some classes tomorrow in the morning so I will be going when you start to play next. But one more thing... I want you to sing the song from Brian Adams for me.”

“Ok Sera that’s no problem.”

I have to go for two meetings tomorrow. Anyway I have to leave this place early. I only wanted to see him. After hearing the song I will go.

We went back to where he was seated and settled down. I felt happy to be seated with him. I saw so many girls giving me vivid looks. May be they are jealous.

“Sera... you didn’t tell me about you so far. I like to know more about you.”

“There is nothing special to tell you about me but if you insist I will tell you before I go back on next Monday.”

“You are leaving on Monday?”

“Yes I have to report for work on Tuesday. Luckily the flight is in the morning at nine thirty.”

“Your company should be a very rich organization otherwise you can’t have a house like that in the heart of Frankfurt. It’s the most expensive area in Frankfurt. How much are they paying a month as rent to that house Sera?”

“I think they are paying about 2000 D Marks a month, and it is worth for the company as almost every week somebody is coming to stay there. If they have to take rooms in hotels they will be paying much more than that. With a house like this you are more comfortable and you have more privacy. You are all alone, and every day you cook your own meals and in the morning the caretaker will come and clean the whole place without any complain. I think this kind of thing is the best for a company.”

How can I tell him that it’s my house? I love to tell him, but I can’t, he doesn’t know who I am.

“How often do you go to see your mother?”

“I never got a chance to go there from the time I left home due to lack of money. But inside our hearts we know that we love each other very much. When mother writes to me she always tells me that she likes to see me but she understands the problems I am facing here. So far I have saved 900 marks but it will go next month as we do not have work.”

“Will you be in Kleetgau next month?”

“So you remember my story ah!? Yes I am hoping to go there especially because of the kid. He is just over three years and very fond of me.”

“How is their business now? Is it good? Do you still have that room reserved for you there?”

“They are doing pretty well now. They managed to buy the land next to the guesthouse and built another 15 room extension. It is really doing well. God has given them everything they need. Even among their own people they are very popular. The whole town knows that they are God fearing God loving people. And the respect they get there is very high because they are very helpful to the others. They answer any question about God with a lot of study and with a lot of perseverance. They have already changed so many lives in that little town. I am sure that God will give them more because they never misuse what God gives them. They pay their tithes to a full gospel church and they help needy people.”

I wanted to know what tithes means but it will change our conversation.  Then it was time for him to go on stage I said after I hear my request I will be going.

“Ok Sera .1 wish you good night, and may God bless you.”

The first song was my song. He never looked at me while singing the song. But when he finished the song he looked at me. For a second his face looked sad but the next moment he was normal. I waved at him to show that I am leaving.

When I came back home it was ten O'clock and Mitzy was happy to see me so early.

“Mitzy, I would like to have a glass of milk and then I will be going to sleep.”

“Yes madam I will bring your milk.”

She was quick the very next moment she was there with the glass of milk. When I went into the room I remembered that I forgot to take the pill yesterday. So today I will take both. I am strictly on Martha's orders even here in Germany while changing my cloths I noticed Shane’s cap on my dressing table again. Mitzy must have put it somewhere yesterday and must have brought it back today with my other things. I should return this to him. May be tomorrow, or if I see him again.

I quickly took a good body wash and came back to bed.

I was happy to see Shane today. But still when I think of him I can’t get over the thought of having him on my bed and it makes me instantly excited. When I think of his God, I have so many questions to ask from him. He said that God had blessed Susie and Rolf in everything they do but the person who introduced them to God is still suffering. Shane has no place to stay. He is living away from his only relative his mother. Why God does that to Shane?

Though her mother says that she is also a Christian she never got a chance to see her son for seven long years. He says that he is going through a very hard testing period by doing his present job. Why God doesn’t find him a better job? If God really loves him why can’t He put Shane in a better place? I don’t understand this God. Without any God I have everything, I am on top, but with God, Shane has nothing. Whenever he say good night or good bye he adds the line ‘God bless you’ why should a God like that bless me? I don’t need a God like that, because he is an unreasonable God. He is not fit enough to be God. Before I go back I should try to talk some sense to this man. He is missing a lot... A hell of a lot....

During the next five days every day I went to see him. During these five days I told him a lot of lies to cover up my true identity. On Saturday he asked me what I would be doing on Sunday. I said I have no plans. Then he asked me whether I would like to taste some Sri-Lankan food. I said I would love to and most of all I want to be with him because tomorrow is my last day here in Frankfurt and Monday morning I will be leaving to the States. He said that he will be cooking in his room for us and I agreed to meet him at six in the evening.

When I got up on Sunday I packed my bags quickly and gave instructions to Mitzy that I might not come home today in the night. I felt that I am going to spend the night with Shane. I told her that I would be back by eight in the morning only to collect by bags to go to the airport. I buzzed Sholcky and told him that I will be going to have dinner with Shane and if I get late more than eleven O'clock I won't be coming home, and they should not wait for me.

I took a long cold shower and got into to a skirt and a blouse. They will give Shane a little better idea of my body than what I was wearing all these past days. I decided not to wear stockings. I want him to see the natural color of my legs. Then I got into to a thin pair of shoes where you see ballet dancers wear so often. I don’t need make up. I combed my hair and made it to a platter starting from the upper back of my head. When I style my hair that way Martha always used to tell me that I look really beautiful. When I looked in the mirror I started laughing. I looked like a schoolgirl. But I was happy. It’s better to look young.

Then I went into the vine cellar and selected a good bottle of red vine. I am not sure whether Shane will have an opener so I got hold of an opener from the pantry and informed Sholcky that I am ready.