Divine Obstacle by Gamcha King - HTML preview

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Jason McGuire had a very humble and a poor beginning. His father Gus McGuire left his mother Paula when he was just twelve plus. Jason was the only child in the family. His father being a qualified plumber had his own work shop with two of his pals until he got the chance to go to the Nevada State to do the biggest contract in his life.

The money was good, the life was easy other than the times he worked in the project. In the evenings he went to see people gambling in the Las Vegas casinos and slowly started playing small. He always thought it was leisure.

As almost all the casinos had all drinks free of charge, sometimes he had a little extra than he could consume where his two pals had to support his coming back to his apartment. Though he loved Jason a lot some weekends he couldn’t come home to his family. This was the problem that Paula faced and she never showed any consent for what Gus was doing.

Though Gus looked after the family as usual and more than before, Paula believed that money is not everything and Gus should hand over the contract to another and come back to the family. May be she sensed danger. Being a twelve year old, Jason did not take this seriously as he did not understand anything about contracts and Father going to Nevada on business.

They were living in LA on rent but Gus had enough business to look after all the expenses of the family. From the first payment Gus received from Nevada contract He bought a beautiful mountain bike for Jason and he was very proud and happy about it.

But as Paula thought during the third month of the contract Gus did not come home for two weekends running saying that he is busy. His two pals were at home during this time but they were reluctant to comment on Gus regarding his absence during the weekends. Gus came once in April but after that he never came home.

He found a hooker and started a disastrous affair with her. She was seventeen and Gus was thirty nine at that time. Knowing that Gus is in good business, being an underage hooker she got pregnant from him and that was it.

Finally when Paula and Jason went to see him in Nevada after the two pals confided with Paula of what took place in Nevada, they found out that Gus was gone for good. He had nothing to tell Paula but he told Jason that he loves him and to be a good boy and study hard. That was it.

Though Gus still sent money for Jason’s up keep it was barely enough to pay the bills, the rent, insurance and all other necessities. Therefore finally Paula decided to leave the city and go to country side where house rent is not so expensive. They found a one room condo and moved in to it. To be on the safe side she started working for a mailing company where they sent mail on special offers almost every day. She had to keep an address data base on her computer, take out the prints, paste it on envelops and post it accordingly. Sometimes she had to post more than thousand mails a day. But it brought enough money to her and Jason.

Jason missed his father a lot. Though he was a small child he used to work with Gus on an off while Gus went on repairing jobs to many places during the weekends to earn a little extra. Jason also was interested in plumbing as he understood many things Gus did. While Gus was doing the repair, he taught Jason.

Now as he had a mountain bike, after school he started going riding with his friends in the neighborhood. Up to a certain extent it gave relief to his missing his father but in the night when he went to sleep with his mother in the only room they had he always remembered his father.

Jason was good in his studies and he continued to be good even though Gus was not around. It was a great relief to Paula as Jason was her only hope. Though she was thirty five and still attractive, she never looked for other men as she didn’t have money to spend or hang around places where people meet. She had a lot of desire to have a man some nights but she controlled herself while thinking of Jason’s future.

After Gus left the family, the only friends Paula had were not willing to continue the relationship. Those narrow-minded people always thought that the fault is with Paula. After leaving the city of LA she never tried to have any friendship with anybody in the new neighborhood as no one took any notice of Paula and Jason as they were more than ordinary people in that area.

Jason had many friends but their parents never wanted to have a family relationship with Paula. After school in the afternoons Jason and his friends rode for more than fifteen miles every day sometimes racing and sometimes just riding.

After returning home Jason always did a little workout with his father’s dumb bells just to make sure that he is fit. As he was doing fitness at the age of thirteen for a thirteen year old he looked more mature and fit. His arms were full, legs were solid by riding, shoulders were broad and flat and simply he looked very handsome for thirteen. In school even more mature girls were eye balling him and taking an interest in him. As he understood how his mother is struggling to support the family he never thought of getting involved with a girl so soon.

Sometimes the neighborhood would look for him to do little, little, repair work at their homes. As Jason had a good knowledge of plumbing he managed to do the work for them without any problems and he managed to earn a little pocket money by doing those odd jobs.

Basically he and Paula were all alone and there were no outside influences they faced. In a way it was good but on the other hand when Gus was there, they had a lot of friends and some weekends Paula was missing the fun they used to have.


Ramulki Swaynie got married to Tim Swaynie at the age of eighteen. It happened because of many reasons. Tim Swaynie is an aluminium fabrication dealer and he was big as he imported from China and Taiwan. Though he was big he had a big problem too. He left his wife and four children as his wife got caught having another affair with someone else. Being a businessman he was out from home many a time and most of the time he was either in China, Taiwan or selling his goods to some big projects elsewhere. He was forty six when he met Ramu.

Once he was in Rio and was on business to sell his things for a big construction company. After a hard day’s work he was hungry and tired. He decided to eat a quickie from Mc Donald’s and go to sleep soon, as the next day also is going to be a long one for him. When he walked in to the Mc Donald’s it was 10.30. He quickly went to one of the counters and waited for the girl at the counter to turn over to take his order. While looking at her bootie he thought if this girl had beauty on her face she would be a stunning thing. When she turned finally his heart skipped a few beats as she was more than a beauty.

After leaving Laura he never thought of women as when the need and the desire arise, he could afford to pay and have a top quality call girl doing everything he wanted. That way he was happy as he did not have to think of family other than sending money to his children every month. Apart from that every year he never forgot to send them valuable gifts as he understood very well that what happened between him and Laura has got nothing to do with the kids.

The girl in front of him is young, beautiful, had an inviting smile, sensual, anybody will look at her twice, simply she is sexy. He did not know why he got a good first impression about the girl as he felt younger after a very long time. While taking the order he managed to speak to her.

“Hi! What’s your name?”

“I am Ramulki; here my name tag is on my shirt.”

Yes the name tag was on and Tim felt like a school boy. All the time she had a beautiful smile on her face.

“I am Tim, Young lady you have got a beautiful smile and I like it very much. I like to meet you again and here is my card, call my mobile and we will meet up.”

He had the guts to talk to her like that as he threw a hundred dollar bill while asking her to keep the change which was more than ninety four dollars. She thanked him twice and promised to call him the next day.

Though Tim wanted to go to sleep early it was a terrible night for him as he could not put Ramulki’s face out of his mind. He was excited, felt young, and was in love at first sight.

Though he had a lot of appointments for the next day he managed to finish them as fast as possible thinking of Ramulki’s call to come at anytime. Finally the call came at five to one while he was having a very late lunch. When he picked up the call, at once he knew that it is Ramulki.

“Hello! Can I speak with Mr. Tim Swaynie?”

Tim wanted to put Ramulki at ease so he made her relax by saying;

“Hi! Ramulki! Tim indeed.”

After talking to her for sometime he managed to get some information about her and finally managed to have a dinner appointment with her and told her that he will pick her up from Mc Donald’s after work at ten thirty. He was very much excited about the whole thing and he wanted to enjoy every moment of the dinner appointment. He went shopping and bought a beautiful watch for Ramulki by paying sixteen hundred.

After about half an hour he thought that a watch is not enough, so he went and bought a diamond studded bracelet, necklace, and same kind ear rings also for four thousand nine hundred dollars. While buying these he decided if given the chance he will marry her tomorrow.

He went back to the Hilton and got himself dressed nicely, had a fine shave, dyed his hair, put on the best of perfume he had with him and made a reservation for two at the Beckney Grill at the Hilton for two. When he looked at himself on the mirror he looked thirty five. He went down stairs to the dress boutique and made a request with the sales lady to keep the shop open till 11.00pm until he picks up Ramu.

When he got down from the taxi near Mc Donald’s it was ten twenty five. While waiting outside he saw Ramu clearing up to go off duty. When she came out it was ten thirty five and to put her at ease he gave his mobile to her and asked her to call her parents to inform them that she will be dining at Hilton with him. This move put her very much at ease and after that she talked and looked very friendly.

She was wearing blue jeans and a crew neck and Tim told her that first they have to go shopping for the evening and she could buy a nice evening dress. She did not argue…. She liked it. She knew at last the luck has come on her way……