Divine Obstacle by Gamcha King - HTML preview

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Ramulki had a disastrous beginning. Her father died of a car accident when she was just fourteen. Her mother was a worker at a nearby factory and what they were getting was not at all adequate for three to survive as she had a younger brother.

Somehow when she was just 18 she joined the Mc Donald’s as a trainee. When Tim met her the day before she was just four months at the Mc. After starting to earn their lives became a little better as she got her meals at the Mc while working plus her salary every week. Many wanted to date her during this time as she was a beautiful and a sexy looking girl but due to family situation and strain she never spread her legs or put her pants down in front of any man after leaving school. The manager at Mc was pushing her hard but never forced her but was trying to impress her to have a relationship with him all the time.

In school there were many boys competing for her and she had a few affairs, though they were not serious. She had a few sexual experiences too while in the school. The mother advised her not to when she started working. Sometimes she went dancing when someone offered, went out to dinner with men but never lifted her skirt up for them.

The tip she got was the best for the four months she worked at the Mc and as soon as she went home she told her mom Thelma about the whole thing. Also showing the business card Tim offered she told Mama that Tim is expecting a call from her as he said that he likes her smile. Even Mama was excited about it and advised her to be careful if she’s going to meet Tim at all. But she was encouraging and that is why Ramu decided to call.

“If a man could afford to give a ninety plus bucks as a tip for a hamburger he should be somebody to think about. Call him and meet him, but be careful.”

This is what Thelma said. So it has happened that way and Tim first took her to the boutique at the Hilton. When they arrived by taxi it was ten fifty and still the lady is waiting with the doors open. When she saw Tim and Ramu she had a awkward look in her but she was much more interested in selling than being inquisitive about them.

Ramu didn’t know what to pick as she has never been to a dress designer’s shop before. She was helpless too but Tim encouraged her to have the best. Finally she selected a sleeveless black evening dress, matching shoes, matching under garments, Estee Lauder perfume a set of light make up and a few here and there things.

Tim gave her his room keys and asked her to get dressed there while he waited at the lobby bar for her to return. He gave her the wristwatch; the ear rings the necklace and the bracelet. While she left to get dressed she had a surprise look in her face.

She decided not to panic and took her own time to get dressed. Had a shower, dried her hair, got dressed slowly, put on a light make up and returned. It took about forty minutes for her to return to the lobby. She was absolutely looking gorgeous and stunning. It was heads turning time. Most men who saw her looked at her more than once and Tim was very proud of her. With that dress on, she looked like a heroine in a movie.

He slowly escorted her to the Becknie’s. Everything was in place as he organized everything properly before bringing Ramu to the restaurant. They got the best table for two in a corner with a lot of privacy and Tim ordered the best wine available at Hilton’s cellar.

“You look beautiful Ramu; can’t you see; everybody is looking at you.”

“I don’t know why you are doing this for me. It’s like in a fairytale.”

“No it is not, it is for real Ramu.”

Tim told her everything about him without hiding or keeping anything back from her. She also told him about herself and about her family without keeping anything away as there was nothing to hide about her poor life and family. While having dinner Tim asked Ramu whether she would quit her job for a better one.

“How much are you getting paid now at the Mc Ramu?’

Tim asked.

“Sixteen an hour.”

She said.

“How many hours do you put up for a day?”

“Between nine and twelve.”

“I’ll pay you forty an hour, will you work for me?”

“I’d love to but I don’t know what you will want from me and what I have to do to earn that kind of money.”

“In LA I have eighteen people working for me and I can afford to have a personal assistant. I will teach you everything I want you to do in the business plus you will travel with me if you like or you could stay in my house in LA and manage my work from there. Also if you like I will marry you because I think I am in love with you. Now when you hear this don’t run away from me, I am not at all dangerous or forceful or harmful. It is up to you to decide with your mother and let me know what you want to do. If you agree to work with me, you are on from tomorrow.”

“Tim everything is happening so fast and I don’t know what to say or do. Your offer and proposal is fine but I have to speak with my mom before I commit myself.”

“That is what exactly I want you to do. Speak with your mother, take your time and let me know. In the meantime join my company so you and your family will have a better future. I am doing this for the beautiful smile you’ve got. Even though you work for me, I will never ever force you to do anything that you don’t want to do. Ok? ”

Ramu nodded her head in agreement. The dinner was the best she ever had in her whole life. She wondered what her mother and little brother had for dinner. If she gets a chance she will bring them here to Becknie’s someday. She has already decided to work for Tim. She tried to give him the best smile she could whenever Tim looked at her and she knew that Tim is hooked.

When finally Tim went and dropped Ramu at her apartment it was one thirty.

“At what time do you want me to report to work today Tim?”

She asked while getting down from the cab.

“Meet me at the Hilton lobby at ten Ramu. Good night.”

He took her hand and kissed slowly.

He knew he did his best to make Ramu happy. He wondered how many wild flowers like these would be out in the open waiting for their day. He loves Ramu and he wants to believe that she will agree to his proposal someday. For a moment he thought how lonely he was. It is now eleven years since he left Roswita his wife and the four children. Once a month he went and saw his kids, the three daughters and the only son.

Still sometimes he wondered whether the son is his own; but never attempted to verify. Without fail he sent the money every month on exact date. The eldest, Yaathi is now twenty and doing well. She wants to get married as she is dating a young man. It was only a month ago that he advised his daughter to not to make any bad decisions in life taking him and Roswita as an example. He is sure that Yaathi will do well in life because her upstairs is good he believed.

Now he has fallen in love. Ramu is so beautiful and he don’t want to lose her. She is young, has a beautiful smile and a gorgeous body. She has a natural tan on her skin.

In a way he is old, old in the sense he is not young anymore. While in business for more than twenty years, he has saved enough to live happily ever after. With a bank balance of more than thirty million dollars he is set for life. Today he will go for only deals over and above one million dollars and others were represented by his staff.

At this moment he is in Rio for a four million dollar deal. Tomorrow at 1.30pm he will know the outcome of it. If Ramu is lucky he will get it he thought. By the time he went to sleep it was around four thirty but he arranged for a wakeup call at nine fifteen.

Thelma was up when Ramu walked in to the house. By looking at her dress and jewellery she was amazed.

“Wow! Ramu, I have never seen you so beautiful like today. What money can do to someone is incredible. You look so beautiful Ramu I am proud of you.”

“Thank you ma, I am more thankful to you as you are so understanding.”

Ramu told everything that happened between Tim and her during dinner and told her about the two proposals as well. First about the job then about the marriage.

“Do you like him Ramu?”

After listening to everything Thelma asked.

“I think he is a very nice and a very descent guy ma, but I need time to make a decision about marriage. I am still young. He is already forty six. I think it will take some time for me to adjust myself for him but I don’t want to decide now. Let’s take it the way it comes ma, but from tomorrow morning I am taking up the job. I have a problem too…. I don’t know what I should wear for that job. You know that I don’t have so much of clothes, but I don’t want to be a show off as we have nothing to show off.”

“No Ramu he will understand, if what you are wearing is not right he will tell you and then you could always ask him for an advance to buy his choice of clothes. Let’s face it the way it comes.”

“I also think the same, by the way can I ask him to come over here tomorrow if he likes?”

“You know that we don’t have anything special for him to see in us. But nevertheless you could ask him to come over for dinner and I will prepare something special for him.”

“Thank you ma, I love you and thank you, let’s go to sleep now it’s late.”

Ramu kissed her mother before going to sleep. While dozing off she thought Tim is a good guy and she is so fortunate to meet a person like him. Besides he is very decent and seems to understand. She knew that he is hooked for her. Though she did not have any experience in that area the instincts told her that he is hooked.