Divine Obstacle by Gamcha King - HTML preview

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When Ramu got up at 8.30 in the morning she had a slight headache. She wondered whether it is from breaking rest or the two glasses of wine she had. She quickly cleaned herself and put on the best clothes to work she had though she doubt whether they will be adequate.

She walked in to the lobby sharp on time and missed her breakfast as she had to run for the bus which comes their way every half hour or so. She forgot to take two pain killers also for her headache. Nevertheless she was there on time and Tim was waiting for her.

“Hi! Ramu good morning he said.”

“Morning! Tim.”

At once Tim noticed that clothes were not very appropriate to work as a personal assistant to him. He did not want to make any comments on that as he already knew that he will have to spend a lot before he takes her to LA.

“Hey! You look beautiful. You know that I like you so much and I love you. This is love at first sight. Now today first we will have some coffee at the coffee shop and then we will go shopping. I think you need to buy new clothes for your new job. Then we will come back relax a little, have lunch and at one fifteen we have to leave for an appointment.”

“Whatever you say is Ok with me.”

They slowly walked to the coffee shop and Tim ordered breakfast for both, had their coffees and left the hotel to shop.

Tim bought her everything she needed for the job plus a new dress for the evening too. The load was heavy and Tim asked the shop to deliver it to his room at Hilton. They returned to the hotel by 12pm and Tim suggested that they will have lunch in his room and they reached the lift to go to the 12th floor, where his room located.

Ramu was not scared of Tim anymore. She knew by instincts that Tim is a harmless guy who is in love. May be I might marry this guy she thought. By the time they reached their room her headache has reached the peak and she told Tim about it. She just dozed off on Tim’s bed while he called the hotel doctor. The doctor was prompt and came to his room within seconds. Had a good look at Ramu gave two pain killers and a mild sedative to put her to sleep for a few hours.

When the doctor left the room Tim asked Ramu to take a change of clothes to more relaxing attire as she was wearing tight jeans all this time. She changed herself to a soft bathrobe she bought at shopping and went to sleep. Tim told her that she do not have to accompany him to the meeting and to sleep for awhile until he returns. Also he told her to order anything from the room service if she gets up before he returns. He kissed on the forehead and switched on his laptop and sat at his desk to prepare himself for the meeting.

He quickly went through the deal again while looking at Ramu from time to time. He thought when she is sleeping she looked more beautiful.

By the time he returned it was five in the evening and Ramu was up though she was still lying on the bed. Tim came up to her and kissed her forehead before telling her what happened at the meeting.

“Ramu, how are you feeling now? Do you feel better?”

“I am Ok Tim, what happened at the meeting? Did you sign the contract?”

“I managed to sign the contract and it is for 3.9 million. My normal net profit is 17%, I think because of your luck it came through. If you are fit enough I want to celebrate.”

“I know we should Tim, but I promised Ma that I will bring you home for dinner, will you come home today? After dinner at home if you want I will come back with you, no problem.”

This is a very good idea. Tim wanted to meet Ramu’s mother before he leaves and the time has come.

“It sounds good to me. We will go for dinner at your place and then we will have a little celebration at the Hilton Pub. Then if you want to go home I will drop you or you can sleep in my room.”

“Whether I go home or not it doesn’t matter now because I trust you.”

By the time they reached Ramu’s place it was about 7.30 and Thelma and the little brother of Ramu, Micheal were excited. After the preliminary introductions Tim was made to relax by Thelma. She did not want to rush things but by looking at Tim she knew that he did not look that old.

Tim always maintained a good physique and he was fit. For forty six he will pass for a man of thirty five. Whenever he was in LA he managed to go and play a little tennis with his club mates. He was careful about his diet.

When dinner time was up, everybody sat for dinner and Telma opened up talking.

“Tim I heard how you two met and what happened afterwards. I am happy my Ramu got a new job. Also I hear that Ramu told everything about our little family. I heard the proposal you made to Ramu and I don’t get in the middle of that thing as I have given permission for Ramu to decide on it. As you have come clean and straight I think Ramu will think of that proposal seriously and take a decision in due time. In the meantime please enjoy this dinner and keep in touch with us even when you go back to LA.”

“I want to thank you for inviting me here tonight and I hope to have a long relationship with you and your family. As Ramu is employed in my company, she will be looked after well and she will have to move with me to LA. I will arrange her schedule in such way so that she will come home at least once a month or may be both of you will visit her in LA once a month. Is that alright with you Thelma?”

“It’s OK by me but I am sure that we will miss her a lot. When are you hoping to take Ramu to LA?”

“I am hoping to take her along with me. I have already asked my office people to apply for work visa for her and I am delaying my departure by four days just to get her to accompany me.”

Though it was a cheap dinner the home made taste of it was good. After dinner as planned Tim took Ramu back to the hotel and she got dressed for the evening. When they entered the Hilton pub hand in hand all eyes turned. Tim was very proud of the scene. One would have thought ‘how in the earth that this man got a prostitute so young and polished?’ or may be someone else thought ‘this man is really a ladies’ man to have a young lass like this’. Then again Tim thought that Ramu did not look like a tart. She had all the decent looks. Therefore the people looking at them should come to the conclusion as he is a ladies man or maybe they might think that this man should be very rich to have young meat like this.

The band was soft and nice and they danced for awhile cheek to cheek. The men inside the pub were looking jealous at them. The dress Ramu was wearing had slit until her upper thigh and while dancing one can see her whole leg from the slit of her dress. This was really sexy Tim thought as he watched her in front of the mirror to the right side of the dance floor.

They were having Champaign at the pub and both of them were getting a little tipsy with the drink.

“Are you enjoying Ramu?”

Tim asked her while dancing.

“Yes, very much.”

Ramu said.

“Will you stay in my room tonight Ramu?”

“If you want me to I will.”

They came back to the room at about one thirty. Both of them were a little high from the Champaign they had.

“Ramu, tomorrow I will start teaching you about my business. Now let’s go to sleep.”

Tim increased the air conditioner a little bit more and when both of them were on the bed he switched off the light. Both of them did not know how it started or how it happened but they made love that night. Tim enjoyed Ramu immensely. As Ramu never had any experience after leaving school, she enjoyed it too. Tim was careful to use rubbers thinking that Ramu might get pregnant. That night they became lovers and when they got up in the morning they started the day with making love.