Divine Obstacle by Gamcha King - HTML preview

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When finally Tim and Ramu came to LA first thing they did was getting married. For the little ceremony at the chapel a few of his close associates were present including Thelma and Michael. Within three days he got his house refurbished. The interior décor was new. The bathrooms were new with new tiling and new fittings. The bedroom was new with new furniture. Simply he spent more than a hundred grand to renew his house only. Until then they were at the Plaza hotel in LA.

Ramu liked the place as it was a separate house a wee bit outside of the city. She was a good learner too as she learnt most of what Tim did very quickly and efficiently. The first major test came for Ramu in Toronto, Canada when Tim asked her to negotiate a deal for 2.1 million dollars.

Tim accompanied her to Toronto but stay away from the negotiating of the deal. Ramu managed to sign the deal exactly for 2.1 million with an advance payment of 40%. Tim thought for a moment that Ramu’s looks played a big roll on the negotiating table. He was a little jealous about it and thought that after a few deals he will ask Ramu to stay at home and manage from there.

Tim’s family never liked Ramu getting married to Tim. Roswita was furious and jealous. She named Ramu “the harlot from Rio”. Tim was firm in his commitment towards Ramu and he really loved her. He got all credit cards available in gold and gave her enough of freedom towards money. He asked her to spend on Micheal’s education and to send a few hundred dollars for Thelma every week. Ramu was happy about all the fortune that came her way and the family. But she had a small problem…..

The problem started when she was about twenty. She liked looking at young boys. She had the thought that if she had a chance to have a young boy how it will be. This kind of thoughts increased day by day. She enjoyed Tim’s love making but deep in her thoughts she wanted someone young like her. Sometimes she thought why she got married to Tim. She appreciated what Tim is doing for her and her family. She did not want to leave Tim at any time. In return Tim trusted her so much and Tim knows the day he retires from his business he has a good wife who could take up all his responsibilities and run the business smoothly.

Whenever Ramu went out she looked up to see young couples kissing or caressing on the sidewalks and used to get a thrill out of it. Sometimes she masturbated thinking of a young boy whom she saw on the side walk. Though this secret habit was increasing in her life she never attempted to have an affair with another. But she knew that she will fall sooner or later from this stand.


Paula used to get a weekly pay from her mailing company and when she received her pay every Monday she will go to the nearest super market for her groceries for the whole week. That way she made sure that she can put a plate of food on the table for Jason every day without fail. Now Jason is thirteen plus and already looking more mature than his age. He wanted to eat good. Paula knew that she has to provide Jason for a few more years until he finds a job.

This particular Monday in the spring time was cloudy and is showing signs of rain. Paula collected her pay and entered the Super Mall for her weekly marketing and doing it in a hurry thinking that any moment it would start to rain. After loading her cart with everything she needed she hurried to the cashier to check out. After paying her bill she was approaching the entrance to the Super mall when she saw a young lady running towards her car because it started raining all of a sudden. Paula knew that she will be delayed for another ten or fifteen minutes for the rain as her Ford Mustang was parked a little further down.

When she looked at the young lady that was running with a bag of groceries she saw while opening the door to her car she without realizing drop her hand bag near her car. Also without realizing she got in to her car and drove off as her car was facing the main road. Though it was raining Paula ran to the place and collected the hand bag thinking if this goes to a wrong hand the young lady will be milked to the last cent within a few minutes.

As she was already wet from running in the rain, she went up to her car, put her things in the car and got in to it. Slowly she opened the hand bag. There were four credit cards. Six hundred odd dollars in cash. The young lady’s passport. A telephone book which had Ramu’s home number as well. A few ladies things as usual. At once Paula was tempted to take the money and throw the hand bag somewhere but her heart was against it. So she decided first to go home and then give a call to this lady and to go there and hand over the hand bag.

As soon as she came home she gave a ring to the number which said home. A man took the phone and said;

“Hello Tim here, Who is this?”

Paula asked whether she could speak with a lady by the name of  Ramulki and Tim said to hold on and a lady spoke again in a few seconds.

Paula introduced herself and told Ramu that she has Ramu’s hand bag with her. Ramu was delighted as she was searching for her hand bag all over. Paula got her address and told her she will call over to hand over the hand bag as it was about five km from Paula’s Condo to Ramu’s place.

When Paula reached Tim’s house it was around 7.00pm. As Tim also was at home they were getting ready for a private evening together with cocktails in their hands.

“You must be Paula.”

While opening the front door Tim inquired.

“I am, actually I saw Miss Ramulki dropping the hand bag.

Though I came running in she disappeared with the vehicle. As it was raining I couldn’t catch up with her.”

“That’s quite alright. Why don’t you come in for a drink?”

Tim said.

“Ok, but I have to get going fast. I have to prepare dinner for my son.”

“Anyway let us meet each other. I am Tim and my wife is Ramu.”

“I am Paula.”

“Thank you Paula, thank you very much for fetching my hand bag. Also thank you for taking the pain to come and return it to me.”

Ramu thanked Paula.

While having a drink together they got to know each other better. Tim thought that when he is away it is good to have Paula as a friend for Ramu. They exchanged their phone numbers and promised each other to meet up again. As Tim will be leaving to Florida the next day Ramu said that she will call and visit Paula in the evening. By seven forty Paula excused herself and left.


As agreed Ramu came to see Paula the next day at about 5.00 in the evening. Paula did not have much to offer but Ramu came with a beautiful present for Paula for bringing the handbag. She had a bottle of red wine with her and both of them had a few glasses before Jason returned home from his daily biking trip.

“This is Jason my son and this is Mrs. Ramu who lost the handbag yesterday.”

Paula Introduced Jason to Ramu.

“Hi! You have a great mother. I came to thank her for what she did yesterday.”

Ramu said. Jason was wearing the nylon tights and automatically Ramu’s eyes went to his crotch as his crotch line was visible through the tights. She thought it is beautiful. Though Jason is thirteen plus he looked much more mature. Ramu didn’t know his age but liked him at first sight. Jason is a handsome youngster already.

Jason noticed Ramu’s change at once while she was looking at his crotch. Jason thought that she is beautiful. After saying Hi! He went to the only room they had.

Paula and Ramu were seated facing each other and for Ramu, she could see Jason moving here and there inside the room.

“How old is he Paula?”

Finally Ramu asked.

“He will be fourteen soon.”

“He looks matured for fourteen.”

“Yes I know. He uses his father’s dumbbells all the time and he rides a lot. That is why he looks big.”

After having the wine Ramu invited both Paula and Jason for dinner at Pizza Hut and Jason liked it very much. Jason very rarely got a chance to go out for dinner. Paula had no chance of taking Jason out for dinner as she was struggling to keep the home fires burning for both of them.

All three of them got in to Ramu’s Honda Prelude and Ramu said that she would like to do a change of clothes before going for dinner and headed towards her home. Paula and Jason were seated while Ramu did the change of clothing and when she came out Ramu made sure to show a little bit of herself to Jason and she was wearing a short denim skirt and a pullover.

Jason thought that Ramu looks like a school girl. She had beautiful legs. Ramu also noticed that Jason was looking at her legs and she liked it. While having dinner they spoke of many things but only a few words were remembered.

Ramu made sure that Jason senses that she likes him. Though Jason tried to be normal he was excited.

When Ramu dropped the mother and Jason finally it was around 11.00pm. Jason was so excited about Ramu, he experienced a wet dream that night for the first time in his life.