Divine Obstacle by Gamcha King - HTML preview

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Jason knew that Ramu liked him. Whenever Jason was around Ramu was a little extra ordinary. She liked showing her legs a bit more than normal. Whenever Jason saw Ramu that way few heart beats of his were skipped.

Ramu was planning to have Jason alone in her house for a long time. She was searching for an excuse when one of her kitchen water hoses got damaged. As the house was getting flooded with water she had to run outside and turn the stop valve off for the main water line to the house before getting the bright idea of phoning Paula to send Jason for the repair.

Tim was away in Missouri for four days and only she was there at home on this particular Saturday morning.

When Ramu phoned Paula about breakdown she readily agreed to send Jason as on Saturday it was difficult to find a plumber to do the repair. Paula managed to find Jason riding with his friends by sending message and told what happened at Ramu’s and asked him to attend the problem immediately.

Jason Got hold of his father’s tools and a few feet of pipe before mounting the bike to go to Ramu’s. On his way he thought how good it will be if Tim is not there. He could look at Ramu’s legs. Many a time after seeing Ramu’s legs he felt his manhood standing up with an erection. Many a times while in the bathroom which cannot be locked he stroked his manhood thinking of Ramu. Though he stroked his penis he never came to a state of ejaculating as it was unknown to him. He has never been with a girl or a boy before though many boys wanted to have a relationship with him.

He peddled fast as he could as he knew if there is damage in the kitchen the whole floor would be flooded by now and the whole house would be in a mess.

Meanwhile Ramu also was getting ready to receive Jason. She didn’t try to clear up the mess. She got dressed up for the occasion with a front buttoned short shirt which was transparent and decided to be braless. She also got in to a short skirt with a black G-String type panty. She also put on her famous perfume so that the magnetism will be there as it contained the female pheromones. She is already excited she felt her vagina getting wet little by little even without any physical stimulation.

Normally it will take about twenty minutes riding to reach Ramu’s house as Jason have tried before without Ramu knowing about it but this day he reached Ramu in fifteen minutes. When he reached Ramu’s door and rang the bell the opening of the door was instant. Jason felt his heart skipping a few beats as he saw Ramu.

“Come Jay the problem is in the kitchen.”

While taking Jason to the kitchen Ramu said. Jason followed. While following Jason thought ‘what a piece of ass she has’.

“Did you block the line from outside?”

Jason asked when he saw that the whole kitchen floor flooded.

“Ya! Jay it’s blocked already.”

“Then I will clean up the mess a bit so that I could work on the hose. Can you get me a bucket and a sponge?”

“The bucket is there under the kitchen sink and I’ll get two sponges so we could do it together”

Ramu said and got everything ready in no time so they started clearing up the mess. She squatted in front of Jason and started collecting the water with the sponge. Jason could see Ramu’s bare legs up to her panty now and he was getting excited by the second.

He thought how good it will be to touch those beautiful legs and feel them. Within a braless blouse he could see her cherry size nipples. He wanted to suck them. They cleared up the mess fast and Jason went under the kitchen sink to fix the problem. He had to break a bit of the wall to get the pipe visible and also to cut a four inch piece of pipe with the damaged part to put a new piece of pipe instead. It took about half hour to forty five minutes to fix it and while doing it Ramu came from behind while rubbing her breasts on Jason’s back to observe what Jason is doing and it was very stimulating for him. She gave a glass of juice to him to get himself refreshed.

Finally after fixing and clearing the debris of breaking the wall he asked Ramu to open the valve from outside so he could check whether there are any more leaks or to see whether the job is well done telling her that he will close up the wall on Monday after getting some cement and sand.

Ramu went outside and opened the water valve and there were no more problems. So it’s done. After opening the valve she also came in and squat in front of Jason to check the repair. Jason was very excited and his breathing was a little heavy. Slowly both of them looked at each other and locked their eyes together. Knowing that Jason is excited Ramu suddenly said….

“I know that you like me. If you like we can have a little fun because I like you too. There is no harm in it.”

Jason was speechless. He had never encountered a situation like this before and he didn’t know what to do or say. As Jason is speechless Ramu lowered her face and slowly kissed Jason lightly on his lips. Then again and again and again. Slowly Jason also started responding. While getting up Ramu said to Jason to take a wash and while hugging and embracing she led him to the bathroom in their visitor’s room. She started removing her clothes and as Jason was watching she removed Jason’s blazer and crew neck he was wearing. She could see the throbbing crotch line beneath his riding shorts and she slowly removed it. Also took off his underwear too. What she

observed was really good he had a five and a half inch thing beneath his legs and the jewels were big healthy which could store a lot of sperm. She also removed her black panty and both of them were naked and went under the shower. While bathing they both were kissing and touching each other. Ramu stroked his thing smoothly as she did not want him to ejaculate soon. When Jason’s breathing got heavier she held the root of his penis as hard as possible so he did not come. She had seen Tim doing this while they had sex and she knew when the root is pressed hard no ejaculation takes place. When the root is pressed hard the ejaculation does not happen but the erection goes down and needs more stroking to make it harder again. She had a lot of stimulating words for Jason. She said how handsome he is. She said how she watched his crotch line beneath the riding shorts. After taking a good shower they both came to the visitor’s bed room and lied on the bed for love making.

While stroking his penis she wanted to pull his foreskin back but Jason said it is paining as he had not done it before. Though Ramu refrained from doing that she knew she will do it sooner than later. She went down on him and started doing it orally and he again showed the signs of ejaculating and she stopped it by pressing the root of the penis hard with her fingers. Jason also was stroking her and was enjoying himself. Ramu thought for a beginner he is learning fast. He was stroking and sucking her tits and Ramu liked it as she is getting ready for the ride. Jason again showed signs of coming and Ramu held the root tight to stop it and for third time it was done. She knew that when he has the next throbbing erection it is time for inter course.

In no time Jason was ready and she slowly guided Jason’s penis in to her in missionary style. For a moment she thought Jay’s thing is much harder than Tim’s. He started riding her. First, slow penetration as Ramu showed climaxing he rode faster. She came with a shout and the mourning was heard for a good ten seconds. She was a bitch in heat as she knew that Jason won’t come for another half hour. She told Jason to keep it inside as she wanted to orgasm again. In a few minutes she turned over while having Jason’s penis inside her and started riding him. She climaxed again and the shout and the mourning again was the same. She was telling Jason how good he is. Those were very stimulating words in his ears.

After a few minutes she started riding him again and she knew that Jason will come this time. She wanted to make it the best for him and when his breathing got heavier she also felt that she is also going to climax again. They both came together this time and Ramu felt his sperm shooting inside her while she climaxed.

They lay on the bed for awhile and she kissed him slowly and loving him like a school girl. Today she knew the difference between an old man and a young boy. After about half hour or so they both got up and had a shower together. While having the shower she noticed that Jason getting another erection but managed to leave that part for tomorrow. She made Jason promise to come to her the next day too.

The next day Jason came and lost his foreskin thread while having sex with Ramu and it was bleeding heavily. Ramu helped him with some ice and told him that it will be healed by itself in a couple of days. Though Jason was upset over what happened it got healed naturally and he was alright after a few days and after he could take his foreskin back without any pain and he was happy.

When Tim returned this time he was at home for about ten days this time. As Paula was working by herself at home Ramu knew that it is hard for her to get Jason out of the house without attracting Paula’s attention and therefore she managed to talk to Tim and get a job for her in Tim’s company so that she will be working 9 to 6.

Paula was very happy with her new job and carried out her duties to the fullest. The money was good and she managed to save some while giving Jason whatever he wanted. She always thanked Ramu whenever she met her. As Tim came home around four in the evening after work whenever he was not at home, Ramu always made a call to see how Jason was. She always spoke of love and in a way she was in love with Jason.

Whenever Tim took flight on business Jason came to Ramu and they had wild sex always. Jason learnt the tricks of the trade from Ramu and Ramu was the dominating partner often.

Ramu helped Paula and Jason immensely in many ways. Paula got on very well with Ramu though Paula didn’t know the affair between Ramu and Jason as they never got caught. The relationship was fine between them until Tim said that he wanted to have a child from Ramu. All this time Ramu was on pill but when Tim suggested that he wants to have a baby she had to stop the pill and both of them went for a check up to find out that Tim needs sperm strengthening medication as he had weak sperm in him as he is getting old by the day. Doctor Ricardo their family doc assured that Ramu will conceive any time.

Ramu had other plans and wanted to conceive from Jason. She made the whole thing in such a way that Jason got the chance to fertile her egg. After getting pregnant she told one day to Jason that the father is him. This happened after about three years of love making and Jason was 17. Jason didn’t understand a thing about being a father and he was scared. Paula was pressing him to do his degree in business administration and freight & marine formalities. Paula had saved some money for Jason to go for his degree and as the situation is not showing any good he decided to do his degree in New York and left LA without telling Ramu and that was it.

After coming to New York he forgot about Ramu completely and started doing his studies fervently. He got a part time job as a plumber during weekends and the money was good and had many girls in his small room as he was very handsome. Paula also sent money for his school fees and he was living comfortably. While in New York he dated and penetrated many girls and women and he was an instant hit with the opposite sex. Though he was good in bed, he had a problem. He always did his own way and never cared about the partner at all. Most women he had were only short timers because of that. With the experience he had with Ramu, now he wanted to be the dominant partner when it came to sex and he never gave any chance for any woman.

Time to time he called Paula and one day she told him that Ramu gave birth to a baby girl. Jason didn’t care as now he used to think that Ramu raped him in the first place. Paula also told him that she is helping her with the baby and stopped working and now she is looking after the baby at Ramu’s place. Jason didn’t care less.

Whatever said and done he did his studies well and graduated in exactly three years. Then he was twenty. By the time he joined Harris Cargo and Shipping he had experience and have worked for two small companies. When the opportunity came he applied for the job without hesitation. He was interviewed by none other than Diego Harris himself. When Diego saw Jason being a young guy of 26 and qualified for the job at once he remembered his daughter who was doing her business administration degree. He did not know why but he liked Jason and gave him the appointment at once and asked him to work from the day after.

When Sarah started doing training at the office after her graduation naturally Jason got involved with her. He said to himself that he will be the owner of Harris Cargo & Shipping someday. Sarah was just 20 at the time and Jason knew how to ball talk any woman to bed at the time. So it happened automatically. He showed that he is in love with Sarah but he was running around with many women at the time he got caught fucking his secretary who was 6 years older to him.

It was a terrible mistake on Jason’s part as he was looking forward to get married to Sarah and own Harris Cargo. While on his way to his apartment, still he never doubted that he will lose his job on this. May be he might lose face with Sarah, but not the job. May be the next day he will patch it up with Sarah, he thought.

It didn’t work the way he thought it would as when he walked in the next day his interdiction letter was on the table while giving the reason for dismissal as it happened the previous day. Even the secretary he screwed the day before got the sack on the same day. He wanted revenge. He knew it will be very hard. He swear to himself that the next time he gets the chance he will fuck Sarah’s ass without mercy.