Divine Obstacle by Gamcha King - HTML preview

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During the next week I read all the four gospels and Emi was very helpful. I thought once you get the knack of it you could keep going. But I was wrong Emi corrected me in many assumptions I developed.

“Only God can give you thirst to know Him better and man cannot do it on his own.”

Emi said always……..

Finally I decided to attend Emi’s bible studies downtown. First Emi was disagreeing thinking that a person of my caliber is asking for trouble in a place like that. I explained that, that is why I have Logus and Sholky. While attending those studies I realized how harmless those people are. I thought they are better than any that I have ever met.

There were little girls who had the gift of prophesy, word of knowledge and word of wisdom. They had the thirst for Jesus and it was very encouraging. Emi taught me how to pray. I had only one prayer which I prayed daily without failing to God!

“I want Shane.” After praying often I knew that I still lust for him and use to ask God to forgive me on my weakness. I used to tell Him to correct me.

Many nights I have cried for him. Many nights I had to take sleeping pills to fall asleep. Many nights I had bad dreams. Sometimes I see demons trying to kill me. Some nights I was scared and wanted Emi to sleep with me. Some days Emi used to sense that demons are hovering around my room and she used to chase them away by praying in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

When Raymond called in the evening I got angry and had to ask him to fuckoff. He said he is in town and asked me whether I would like to have dinner with him. When I said yes, (not with an intention of sleeping with him) he asked me whether I saw a doctor about my sickness and I was shivering with anger.

“Fuck you Ray! And fuck with your supplies too.”

I said.

“Hey!, Hey! Baby now don’t get upset. I was wondering whether you saw a doctor about your pussy.”

He said and my temper went over the roof and I hang the phone on his face. If Emi was there it would have been a lot easy for me to calm down. She went for an all night prayer and she will be back only at 6 in the morning.

Later I couldn’t go to sleep. I was wide awake. I had to take sleeping pills to get some sleep but I wondered whether I should see a doc about my pussy or not. After those incidents I have not even tried to use my toys even. I was scared thinking that I am really sick. After taking the two pills to go to sleep I remember praying asking God to show me a sign that I am not sick. At the same time I knew that God don’t answer that kind of prayers as He don’t bring wet dreams to people.

I wanted to see Shane so I told Papa that I am going to Germany. He asked me why and I told him that it is regarding the two new contracts.

When I got down from my private jet it was early morning in Germany. Sholcky and Logus were there with me and straight we went home. To meet Shane I have to wait until evening. I took two sleeping dolls and went to sleep asking Mitzy to wake me up at three.

Finally I got ready to go to see Shane and got into one of my best outfits. I must show Shane how beautiful I am. He will have me tonight. When I went in front of the mirror I was more than satisfied. I simply looked sexy. When I walked into Bayarisch Zell it was ten. Once inside everybody was looking at me with lustful eyes. When I walked past the entrance I noticed all the heads turning towards me in awe....The other band was playing and I knew where to find Shane. I walked up to his table straight. Shane was sitting there and at once he couldn’t make me out. When he saw me his face didn’t change.

“Hi! Shane you remember me?”

“Of course Sera, how are you? When did you come back?”

“I came today in the morning.”

“You have some more studies to do here Sera?”

“No.. .I came to see you.”

“You came all the way from the States to see me? Why Sera?”

“I will tell you why when you finish work tonight. Can I come to your room after work?”

“Of course Sera you are welcome.”

I had to wait five more long hours to go to Shane’s room. Finally at four in the morning he finished work and he came and took me to his room.

“How about a coffee for you Sera?”

Once we settled down in his room he asked me. I said fine and he went into his little kitchen to prepare the coffee. I looked around the room. It’s neatly kept. I felt that he should be a very methodical person. More than anything else, I want to have him. I want to marry him. Today I will tell him my true identity. He will jump to marry a person like me. Once he brought the two coffee cups I started the conversation.

“Shane I love you. Will you marry me?”

When I said that he looked surprised.

“What made you to think that you want to marry me?”

“From the day I met you, I noticed a complete difference to the other men I know in you. All the men I came to know so far wanted to go to bed with me but you were totally different to the others. You treated me as a friend. That made me to think that I love you. When I went back I couldn’t forget you. So I made the decision and came back to you.”

“You know a lot of things about me Sera but at this moment I can’t think of marriage. Very frankly I will tell you why.... I have given the full control of my life to my Lord and my Saviour Jesus Christ. I like to marry a nice girl and have a lot of children but my belief is that God will find me the correct person. Without his permission I will never make a decision on my own because I have committed myself to him. I am sorry Sera I can’t agree to your proposal. Please don’t misunderstand me but try to understand me. I am sorry.”

“You know Shane if you think that you don’t have money, don’t worry about it because I have enough. My name is not Sera Felsner....... .I am Sarah Harris. I am the heir to my father’s company and already I am working as a partner.”

When I said that he didn’t show any surprise in his face.

“Why did you lie to me Sarah?”

“Now don’t get offended by that Shane. To anybody whom I don’t know, I don’t give my true identity. If I do that I will be calling in trouble. Even when I go out to a dancing or to a discotheque I always make sure that I look like a normal person to avoid recognition. If somebody kidnaps me, I am worth ten fifteen million dollars or more to that person. The best way to avoid a thing like that is to look like a normal person and to give a different name. Then nobody will know anything about me.”

“You know Sarah if I have lust for money you will be on my bed by now but I don’t like to change my decision just because you are rich. I will never betray my God for money. I am happy that you are rich but I am happy that I am rich in God’s sight.”

“Then what are the qualifications that you need for me to marry you?”

“There is only one Sarah... God’s approval.”

“How do you know whether God approves me or not?”

“If He thinks that you are suitable for me, before you came I would have known, because I communicate with God everyday. Even if you are the one God selected for me, I will wait until He gives me the green light.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Sarah Do you think that I am a liar? Do I gain anything by lying to you?”

I have nothing to say... Shane is not a liar... But I was getting angry.

“Ok, I come on this trip only to be with you... will you sleep with me tonight?”

“No Sarah I can’t do that. I have been like this for four years and if I have to wait another four years I will. When I sleep with a woman next time I am sure that will take place only with my wife.”

“You are mad. I came all the way in search of you but you refused my proposal. I am angry with you for that and I will take my revenge before long and it’s guaranteed. You are a big big big asshole. I am going now and I'll be seeing you soon.”

I was nearly crying when I left his room. I was very angry and I must teach this fucking bastard a good lesson. With all my status and money I will never bow down to a motherfucker like this. I must plan it now itself.

As soon as I went home I called Sholcky and Logus to my room.

“I need a special favor from you.”

“Anything you say madam.”

Logus said.

“I want you to kidnap Shane.”

There was silence for a moment.

“Where do you want us to take him madam?”

“It should be an isolated place. Rent one for one month or so. Get Shane and bring him there. The best day to do that is the 1st of June. He will be leaving to Kleetgau and he will take a train, but before that offer him a lift and bring him to the place.”

“We can do it madam but there are certain complications involved. We will have to have the support of our German friends here and by doing that they will also get to know about it. Also we will have to buy silence and it could be expensive. Don’t you think it is dangerous for so many people to know about it?”

“Pay them well and buy their tongues. I don’t care about the expenditure but do it and do it well.”

“Ok madam, everything will be done according to your wish.”

“Thank you and keep me informed of the progress you make. Will you?”

“Yes madam.”

So that’s done. Now whether he likes it or not I will do it. Once he is been brought to the place I will ask Sholcky and Logus to bind his arms and legs to the bed and I will ride him. Then he will also like it. Thinking of it made my pussy wet. I will keep him as long as I want and when I had enough I will buy his silence too.

The next day Logus came and informed that they found a abandoned farm house about hundred kilo meters to the north of Kleetgau through their German friends. Our German friends had said that it is a very isolated place where there are no other houses nearby. They will be checking the place for privacy tomorrow and will be paying for it for one month starting from 1st of June.

I can’t wait for this day. On this day I will have Shane inside me and that should be so beautiful. There are four more days but I am horny already.

On the thirtieth of May I drove to the place with Logus and found the place to be satisfactory. At the same time I asked Logus to bring food items for about a week. He wrote down a list and went to the town. Meanwhile I went through the house observing everything in detail. It is a three storied building with six bed rooms. Out of all the rooms the best room to keep Shane is the top floor one and the door to that room was solid and is with a newly fitted lock. I decided to keep him there.

There were two windows to the room and I will ask Logus to seal them before tomorrow. Inside the room there was a French bed, a table and a chair. A nude picture of a young girl is hanged on the wooden wall. Only the door leads to the staircase and if Shane wants to escape it will be impossible.

Suddenly I started laughing. Shane will never leave this place until he gives me what I want. I can’t go to sleep and I poured a good shot of Whisky and gulped it down. Though I am a soft drinker today it is different as I have got a lot of courage to do so. I am ready to meet him now. Then I checked the gun in my bag. All seven shots are loaded and ready to fire at any moment. If he refuse to give me what I want I will kill him and Sholcky and Logus will take care of the body.

When they brought him to the house it was one in the afternoon. When he got down from the car he looked pale and drowsy. I watched him being brought to the house through a small window in the house. I am sure that he didn’t see me. There were two more guys which, I didn’t know earlier, with Sholcky. Sholcky will look after them. I heard them taking Shane to his room. I heard one of the other guys telling Shane not to make any kind of trouble but most of the time they were talking in German.

“If you make any kind of trouble here, you will be dead body. Do everything just as you are asked to do if you want to get out alive. Do you understand?”

I didn’t hear Shane’s answer but again the same voice came like thunder in the house.

“Why are you laughing like an asshole man? This is serious... Do you understand? Don’t act like a bloody asshole.”

Still I didn’t hear Shane’s voice.

Then I heard them locking up Shane in the room and coming back. Sholcky and Logus were laughing with the others. Then Sholcky came to me.

“Madam we managed to accomplish your mission.”

“Did he make any trouble on the way?”

“Not at all... In Frankfurt he was going to take a train and I went up to him and asked him whether he is interested in going to Hamburg? I told him that I will be going by my car but I am searching for three more people to share the cost of Benzin which will be very much less than taking the train. He agreed. Then Lotha and Mark joined me the same way. They were also in the station and I went up to them and asked the same question before they purchased their tickets. It was properly planed and he didn’t suspect anything.

Then when we reached Kassel I stopped at a filling station and asked him also to come for a coffee. He agreed. Then I mixed his coffee with a sedative. Until we reached here he was sleeping like a baby. When we took the turn to the house I stopped the car and woke him up to say that he is been kidnapped. He didn’t make any fuss about it. He just said;

“Who wants to kidnap me? This is a joke. May be now he will realize that he is really been kidnapped.”

“Didn’t he want to know who kidnapped him even?”

“He didn’t ask but after showing him off his room, I told him the person who wants him will be coming to see him soon, and then locked the door and came back to tell you about it.”

“Thank you very much Sholcky, you are just marvelous. Now only thing I want from you is to guard this place well. Don’t leave any room for him to escape.”

“That is no problem madam, we are so used to it all our lives. Don’t worry about that, even if you want to kill him, do it we will take care of the body.”

I took my time to see him. Finally when I went to his room it was six in the evening. At once he got a shock by seeing me....

“So it’s you who got me here Sarah?”

“Yes, now you are mine...Do you understand what I mean?”

“No I don’t Sarah.”

“It is better for you to understand that sooner than late. From the day I saw you, I wanted to have you. I had the generosity to ask you whether you will marry me but you discarded me like dirt. And now it’s my turn. I vowed that day to take revenge from you and here I am. Now like a good baby, give me what I want and you will leave this place unharmed and with a lot of money if you don’t make any sort of trouble. But if you fail to give me what I want and if you make any sort of trouble you will regret it. Choose what you want and let me know fast. Your dinner will be served at eight thirty and after coffee I will come back and you give me your answer. OK?”

He didn’t say anything. He doesn’t have to because he has no choice. The choice is mine and he is mine now. He will never leave this place until he gives me what I want.

At nine O’clock sharp I went to his room again.

“What is your answer Shane?”

“My answer is....no and never.”

“All this time I think I have tolerated you too much and now it’s time for you to give me what I want the hard way. I'll be back soon.”

“I need to take wash Sarah... I am wearing the same cloths the whole day and I need to change.”

“Ok I will ask one of my friends to take you to the wash room. But I will be back. Tonight... I want you tonight.”

I gave instructions to Sholcky to take him to the washroom and after that when he changed his cloths to tie his hands and legs to the bed.

When I went to the room again Shane was wearing that same piece of cloth around him and he was tied to the bed. I felt a little sad to see him like that but I can’t help it. I asked him what I want very peacefully but he refused and now it’s time to get it by force. I went up to the bed and put my hand on his chest and I felt my heart beating faster than normal. I am excited, rather I am sexcited. I wanted to kiss his lips but I was scared thinking that he might bite my lips. So I started kissing his body. I can’t wait any longer so I took off the thin cloth around him. He looks beautiful. Five long inches of thick meat in between his legs. I put my hand around it and started stroking it gently.

“Sarah I know what you are up to but you won’t succeed.”

“I didn’t know that you still have strength to talk. Don’t you see....? You are mine now. You are my prisoner and I will do anything that I want to do to you.”

I quickly removed the jogging suit I was wearing and exposed my body to him. I knew when he sees my body he will get a good cock stand.

In nudity I started stroking his manhood but to my surprise he is not responding and his manhood does not show any kind of response. I am on fire and now I have to do something better so I brought my mouth to his manhood and started slapping it with my tongue. Now all the men I had so far used to tell me that I have a super tongue. They say that I give the best blow job in the world. Especially when I want to get the thing up for the second time, I use my mouth and the response is very fast.

I tried for about half an hour. Now I feel my mouth is paining by sucking his cock. It didn’t work. When I looked at him he was staring at me. I was angry.

“You are sick man....you need to see a good doctor.”

I wonder whether he is impotent.

“No Sarah I am not, it is you who are sick and you should see a doctor. The best I know is Jesus. I can’t give you what you want. Before you start this I told you that you won’t succeed and you didn’t listen to me.”

I got on top of him and tried to put his dead cock inside me. I was rubbing it on my pussy lips hard but it was an impossible task. I was so horny and wanted to come any moment but didn’t. I couldn’t come. Finally I slapped him on his face and withdrew to my room. I tried to sleep with two sleeping pills but couldn’t. I had to take another two to go to sleep.