Divine Obstacle by Gamcha King - HTML preview

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When I got up in the morning it was ten O’clock and I had a splitting headache. I had to take three aspirins and had to drink a full pot of coffee to get that bad feeling out of me. I told Sholcky that I want to go to Hamburg and left the place at about twelve and straight I drove in to St’Pauli where you get all the action taking place in Germany. I found parking and went into a sex shop. There I managed to find what I was searching. I bought an erection pump and a tube of erection cream. I knew that this would make Shane’s cock stand.

By the time I returned it was four in the evening. Logus was looking after Shane and he came and said that everything is in order.

“Did our friend make any problems?”

“No madam he is like a baby. When I took him to the washroom he asked me whether I believe in God. I said I don’t know and he asked me to wait in the room after the wash and gave me a very good lecture and I think he has a very good knowledge about the subject. I felt like believing God then and there. He was very convincing. Afterwards I heard him praying loud and suddenly he started praying in a language that I do not know and I think it is his mother tongue.”

“Ok today also after dinner tie him up.”

“Yes madam.”

I had three good shots of whisky before going into his room and I took the cream and the pump also with me. When I entered I knew that I will have him tonight. Like yesterday he was tied to the bed.

“Shane tonight I will have you for sure.”

“What made you so sure about that Sarah? You will never succeed... you are trying to fight against God’s will and you will never win. Therefore I beg you to come back to your senses and stop sinning.”

I slapped him on the face.

“I don't want to hear about your fucking God in this house... do you understand? Next time you talk about God. . I am going to shoot your guts out of you.”

I quickly removed my cloths and removed his thin cloth from his body. Then I took his manhood in my hand and started stroking it. It’s the same like yesterday... he is not responding. Then I tried the erection cream on him but there again no response. Then I took the erection pump and put his thing into the erection pump and started pumping.

Then it came up like a toy and I was so excited. I kept on pumping to a very hard erection. Then I got on top of him and slowly took the pump off.... but I couldn’t put it inside me. Again it went down faster than it came up. After trying it for about one hour, I knew it won’t work.

I was so angry and whisky I had earlier is also getting me more and more angry. So I started hitting him with my open fist. I want to see him suffer for the pain he gave me. Suddenly I realized that there is a dressing table with a mirror in the room and I looked at my face on the mirror. I looked defeated. This made me go wild. I hit him harder and harder but he didn’t even show that he is in pain. Then after sometime I knew that I can’t hurt him by hitting and I was so angry.

I ran to my room and got hold of the pistol. I am going to shoot the bastard. Sholcky and Logus will get rid of the body. The pistol is a beautiful little one with a silencer attached to it. I bought this on Sholcky’s advice for self defense but today I will be using it on self prestige. I’ll kill the asshole.

I came back to the room. I thought that Shane will get scared when he sees the gun. But he didn’t,.... and he looked the same.

“I ask you one more time.... Will you give me what I want?”

“I have already given you the answer and just because you are going to kill me, it will never change. I will only die if God wants me to come to Him, if He thinks that I shouldn’t die, even if you use all the ammunition that you have on me I would not die.”

“Then think of your fucking God and get ready to die you asshole.”

“I am ever ready to die by obeying God's will.”

I didn’t wait for him to finish the sentence. I aimed at him and pushed the trigger while closing my eyes. I didn’t count the shots but I knew all seven reached the target as I had a very good training to shoot on target from Sholcky. I didn’t want to stop until I finished all seven of them. When I felt that all seven shots have been used I opened my eyes. I knew that Shane would be dead by now. When I looked at him his eyes were closed but I couldn’t see any blood anywhere. I was sure that I hit the target. I went up to him and checked his body for any blood stains but there were none. Then I saw him slowly opening his eyes.

“Why did you miss the target Sarah? Now do you believe that you are fighting God? Please understand you won’t stand a chance against God. In the name of my Lord and my Saviour Jesus Christ I forgive you for this whole ordeal. Release me now.”

“Release you now? I will kill you with my own hands now.”

I ran into the kitchen and got hold of a good pointed kitchen knife and came back. I will cut him to pieces, I thought and I started. I stabbed his body all over. I can remember cutting his neck off. All the while he didn’t make any noise. I don’t know how long I continued doing that but when I looked at him, he was lying on the bed hale and hearty. He was smiling at me. Then I realized that I have lost the battle.

Suddenly I was very scared. I felt sweat running down my body. If I don’t kill him he will go to the police. He will make a complaint.

Then I will be arrested for attempted, premeditated murder and rape. What will happen to my prestige, what will happen to the business? I will never go through all these. Never……

Then I saw his Bible on the table. Before I do what I want to do I will take the revenge from his fucking God. I took the Bible and started tarring it into pieces. Once I finished doing it only the cover of the Bible was in my hand and I threw it at the mirror. I saw the mirror cracking down to pieces.

Then once again I took the knife into my hand and with both hands raised it to bring it down on me. If I can’t kill him, I should die. I was crying and for a one last moment I looked at Shane before bringing down the knife on me. Then I saw his bindings coming out automatically and he got up from the bed in a flash. I brought down the knife on me. But Shane was quick, he held my hands on a tight grip half way, and I felt as if my hands had hit two iron bars.

Then I felt two thundering slaps coming on my face, and I heard a ladies’ voice.

“In the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and savior and in the power of His precious blood, I command you to leave this human body now... not to return again forever. In the name of Jesus of Nazareth get out now, now, now!”

I felt somebody inside me saying No.... but then it was darkness. It was so dark and I wonder why we don’t have lights in the house. I felt light hearted and I was suddenly happy.

I came back to someone’s touch on my head. Then faintly I heard Emi's voice. I had to listen hard to understand what she was saying. I thought she was praying.

“Dear Father in heaven, today you performed a miracle in front of so many and showed us how powerful, how trustworthy, how merciful and how loving you are. This miracle will never be erased from our minds as long as we live in this world. You saved Sarah today from a certain death because you want her. I beg you to save her and bring

Salvation into her life as today is the day of salvation according to your word.

By looking at what happened today, my brothers Sholcky, Logus and my sister Martha have already become believers. This is something that I will rejoice and thank you each and every day as long as I live. Please make Sarah believe in you. When she comes back to her senses in a while replace the lust she had for worldly things with your precious love. Your everlasting agape love. I pray to you in the name of my savior and my Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth forever and ever amen.”

I felt myself saying amen too....

I slowly opened my eyes. First I saw Emi sitting on my bed and feeling my head which was on her lap. Then I saw the others. Papa was next to Emi and Martha was there and Sholcky and Logus were standing near the door. I was on Emi’s bed.

“What happened Sarah?”

That was Emi’s first question when she saw me opening my eyes.

“How did I come back home?”

“Why you were at home no Sarah.”

“No.. .1 was in...”

“No...Sarah I went for the prayer meeting and you were at home. Martha said that you went to sleep. When I returned in a hurry I found you having a terrible dream half insane.”

Martha came and offered me a hot cup of coffee.

“Drink this dear, it will put you right.”

I got up and sat on the bed and started drinking the coffee.

“I want everybody to leave this room now.” Emi said and at her command everybody left the room.

“Finish your coffee, I want to show you something.”

When they left Emi said.

I took my time to drink the coffee. It made me a lot better and after, Emi took me to my room. I couldn’t believe my eyes. The room was in a complete mess ransacked totally. Shane’s Bible was in pieces. I tried to remember what happened. So after all it is a dream. A very bad dream. A kitchen knife was there on the carpet and I have taken the whole bed apart with the knife. I had cut the mattress into pieces. The pistol was in a corner and I have shot the bed with all the rounds I had in it.

“Do you know that God saved your life today?”

“Tell me Emi.... I want to know.”

“You know that I went to the prayer meeting with Sholcky. When Sholcky dropped me I wanted him to go but he said that you have asked him to wait for me, so he wanted to stay. As it was very cold outside I asked him also to come and sit inside the hall. We started the prayer meeting at about eight thirty and at about ten I got a very uneasy feeling inside me. I felt that I want to go home. As I have organized this prayer meeting I knew that I can’t leave everything and go. It was very difficult for me to concentrate also but with a lot of force I managed to go through with it until one thirty.

As I have promised you that we would pray for you with those people, at about one thirty, I told the others that I need their prayers for a special person. I told them as this person is not a Christian we should pray to God to bring this person to God. And they were very happy and we started with a silent prayer. After about ten minutes suddenly a fifteen year old girl who was there got up and said...

‘Sister Emi, you must leave this place at once. The person we are praying about is in trouble and you must go home at once.’

I believed it because I never told these people to whom we are praying to at the same time nobody knew that it is the person who is living with me. Sholcky is a witness to what happened there. Then I knew that you are in some sort of a trouble. I knew the reason for me to feel uneasy all this time. I asked that girl to continue the prayers and came back with Sholcky as fast as possible.

When we turn the car in to the house I saw that your room light was on and I knew you were up. After stopping the car we came running into the house through the back door and in the rush Logus also got up from his sleep and came running. When I ran into your room, you were just about to kill yourself with this kitchen knife and I had to jump at you to hold your hands. I don’t know how I got the strength to stop you bringing that knife on you but it happened. Then I knew you were insane, at once I realized that an evil spirit had done all these things to you. So I commanded that evil spirit to leave you for good in the name and the precious blood of my savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

You shouted “no” but I knew it is gone because the next moment you were unconscious on the ground and Sholcky carried you to my bed. So Sarah today God saved your life with an unforgettable miracle. Do you believe that God loves you?”

I started crying. I put my arms around Emi and I was crying... I didn’t know why I am crying but I can’t stop crying....

“I believe in God Emi.... Please pray for me.”

“After putting you to bed I came back to your room to analyze the damage you have done here and I came across a nice letter on your bed. I read it and it is written so beautifully. The surprising thing here is you brought the Bible and bed in to pieces but this letter survived damage on your bed itself. Have you seen it before?”

“No, Emi. What is it?”

“I believe it was inside the Bible, take it and read it.” I took it and started reading it.



My darling son,

In a few days time you will be twenty-one. I wish that I could spend this day with you but we are poor and we can’t afford to do that. For this birthday I am sending you the best present available in this whole world. “The word of God”. From the day Jesus Christ came to this world he is changing so many people’s lives by bringing them to a saving knowledge of Him. He changed my life. Though I am a poor woman after accepting Him as my Lord and my Savior, He gave me a very rich heart full of love faith and strength.

Dear son, God is love. If you don’t know God, you will never experience His love. Though we have the word love in this world, for somebody who don’t know God, it is lust. Can we identify lust as love? I want you to find the real meaning of love by reading the word of God any by coming to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ by accepting Him as your personal savior and Lord.

I pray and ask God everyday to change your heart. The day you decide to welcome Jesus Christ in to your heart as your saviour and Lord pray to God with the following prayer and he will change your life. I wish you a very happy birthday.

May God bless you.

“Sinners prayer”

Dear Father in heaven, I know that I am a sinner and today I beg you to clean me with the precious blood of your only begotten Son Jesus Christ. I believe that you sent Him to this world to pay for my sins and as a result he died on that cross and rose again from the dead on the third day. I want to invite Him into my heart as my Savior and Lord. Lord please take full control of my life and make me a person who will glorify You in everything I do. I ask you this in the name of my Lord and savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth. “Amen.”

Your loving Amma.

When it came to the sinners’ prayer I started crying again. It took a long time for me to pray because all the sins that I have committed in my life so far started rolling in front of me like a movie. Those sinful things started convicting me how unworthy I am to be in the presence of the Lord. I asked God to forgive me for each and every sin came in to my mind. I have never cried like this before. I have never cried like this in my whole life but I didn’t want to stop crying because though I cried, there was a beautiful feeling inside me.

After I finished praying I had to add two more lines to that prayer....

‘Dear Lord I thank you today and everyday for saving my life and I ask you to bless all those who brought me unto you. From now on let me obey your commands and use me to bring more people unto You.’

When I finished praying I felt my heart getting lighter as if a big weight has been taken off. I felt a sweet happiness sweeping into my body. Some empty part of my inner being is been filled with something unexplainable. Then I realized why.. Now Jesus Christ is living inside my heart. Now I know why Shane and Emi look so happy and cheerful....

“Thank you Emi.”

I put my arms around her. She is more than a sister to me now.

“You thanked God for that loud and clear just now and that is enough.”

Yes...I am saved by the grace of God. He loves me and I love him with my whole heart and soul. It is something to thank Him until the day He calls me home.

“You tell me how you broke this mirror Sarah?”

Then I explained the whole dream to her. I told her how I threw the cover of the Bible at the mirror.

“You mean to say that the cover of the Bible brought this mirror down in pieces? I can’t believe it Sarah the mirror glass is half an inch thick?”

“That’s how it happened Emi. I remember throwing the cover at the mirror.”

“I think there is another miracle that has taken place here. Say the Bible cover is one hundred grams... can you break a half an inch thick glass with a one hundred gram weight? This is all Satan’s work.”

“I agree ..... may be I was possessed by a demon at the time I did it. Now tell me Emi what am I to do with the Bible which I made in to pieces?”

“As Christians we can’t throw it. You collect everything into a box first and then start patching it up with transparent cello tape. After you do it, it will become very precious to you because of two reasons. One is you are showing God your love towards Him. Number two is, it is a present you got from Shane the main actor of this whole drama.”

“I think you are right Emi...I’ll do it. For the love of God I’ll do it, but will you help me?”

“Now wait a moment... there is something nice that we could do. We will buy a laminating machine. I will laminate all the pages to a file type including the cover. Then through the plastic holes we will pass a cord and tie it up together. But one more thing you have to do the sorting out part. You should find the correct parts of all the pages.”

“But Emi I am not very familiar with the Bible no?”

“For that we will find the same Bible from a shop here and then you have a guide line. But you will have to read a lot to find the correct parts to all the pages. By the time you finish the patching up you will have a good knowledge about God’s word. Though it looks difficult, once you start doing it you will enjoy it.”

“Ok lets start.”

We asked Martha to bring a cardboard box and put all the pieces into it. After a thorough search Emi confirmed we have got everything in it.