Divine Obstacle by Gamcha King - HTML preview

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By the time we finished everything it was seven thirty in the morning. We got ready soon and went to the office first. As it is Monday we had to work until eleven thirty to clear our desks. Then we went and bought the laminating machine and the Bible and we are ready. We went home straight and had an early lunch. When we got back my room has come back to normal. The mattress had been replaced the mirror also had been replaced. So we started the patching up job.

First I sorted out the pages according to the page numbers available and according to the names of the books. The small pieces I had to put aside as I will really have to go through them. After working for six hours nonstop we managed to laminate eleven pages and the front and back covers. I didn’t feel tired at all and I read all eleven pages also.

Then at about ten Martha came and announced that the dinner is ready and she said that Papa is also waiting to have dinner with us. So we stopped the work. I went to the main dining room to meet Papa.

“Tell me Sarah what happened to you yesterday?”

That was his first question. I decided to tell him the truth, as I didn’t feel ashamed to tell my story of becoming a Christian. When I finished my story he started talking.

“You know after yesterdays’ incident Sholcky and Logus also have become Christians. When I heard the story from Sholcky what happened in that prayer meeting I have no doubt that it is a miracle. My mind strongly tells me that I also should become a believer but I have one question. The day I have the correct answer for that then I will believe.”

“If you could tell me the question, I would like to give it a try if God is willing.”

That was Emi...

“My question is this... Sarah’s mother was a very strong believer when she was with us. At that time we were not very wealthy but she believed that someday this business is going to be very successful and it happened. When she was pregnant with Sarah she always mentioned that the child is going to be a gift from God. I loved her so much, but she died. Now she used to say that only God could take somebody’s life because he is the life giver. Now she was a believer, she loved God more than anybody I know in my life but God brought death to her without giving the chance to see what you see today. Why?”

“After her death, did you at least try to find out why?”

“No, I didn’t have to because I don’t want to believe in a God like that.”

“Do you know, that same God who took your wife’s life spared your daughter’s life yesterday? Can you tell me why?”

“I don’t know why.”

“Do you like to search to find out why?”

“Yes...I would like to.”

“In Sarah's case yesterday, there were two miracles which took place as evidence for everybody to believe that God is real and God only saved her. In Sarah’s mothers case there was no evidence to convince you that God is Just and he is Love so your heart got harden. But after sometime God gave you clear evidence by bringing you to the top of your trade but though you remembered your wife telling about it you didn’t want to believe that it came from God.

Now yesterday the second thing happened. Do you know why God saved Sarah yesterday? Because she is a true gift from God to you and your wife. Sarah belongs to God. From the time Sarah met Shane she started coming closer to God and Satan knew that he is going to lose. She started reading the Bible and Satan got panicked so he tried to kill her but God didn’t allow that to happen. God knew long before what is going to take place yesterday. That is why he made me come into this house and have a close relationship with her.

He wanted me here in this house to save Sarah from her physical death and to command that evil spirit to flee from her. Now I have answered a part of your question and for the other part I will give you my Bible you read the book of Job, and after reading it you will know why God took your wife from you.”

During this talk of Emi I saw my father’s eyes getting red. I silently prayed to God to open my Papa’s eyes and to bring salvation unto him.

When we were having coffee Emi went and brought the Bible and gave it to Papa.

“Mr. Harris you read the book of Job and tell me whether you have understood it clearly.”

“Yes, I will, and thank you Emi.”

I thought that Emi might ask him to thank God but she didn’t.

Emi said that we should go to sleep early and should get up early to go to the office. So I agreed. When I came back to my room Martha also came behind me.

“You have forgotten to take the pill yesterday.... Take both today.”

“I don't need them anymore Martha because the next time I sleep with a man, he will be my husband. So throw all the pills away.”

After taking a wash I came to bed and before going to sleep I knelt down and prayed to God. When I got into the bed I thought it is better to take two sleeping dolls but there again it came to my mind that now I am a Christian. God will put me to sleep. And sure He did.... When I got up in the morning it was seven and I was feeling better than all the days I can remember in my life. It is great.... Only the people who have God in them will know the difference. It is something, which I can’t put to words. Anyone who wants to know, they should experience it....

We managed to go to office by 8.30 and by 11.30 I managed to finish answering calls and I was ready for the press conference regarding the salary increments of the staff by 50%. I asked Emi to make the initial announcement and after that I will answer the questions. All these days it was a top secret and today the other shipping companies will get the shock of their lives.

At 1.00pm as scheduled the press came as well as the financial controller, the Personal manager and the accountant. Emi made the announcement and for a moment the press was dumbfounded. Slowly they managed to recover and started asking questions. The first question was put to me.

“Miss Harris being the decision maker of the company, what made you take a decision like this?”

“The main reason for this decision is the welfare of our workers. We have a hard working workforce and we want to reward them for their work.”

“We know that you are already paying the internationally agreeable salaries to your staff but don’t you think that you are putting the other shipping companies at unease by doing this?”

“We are not running the other shipping companies and we are only concerned of our workforce only. If the other companies are in a position to increase the salaries of their staff, that is up to them to do so or not.”

“But don’t you think by this decision you will have enough enemies?”

“As we are in competitive business, I don’t think that we have friends who are competing with each other by being in the same business but, I have so many personal friends who are in the same business and so far I do not have any real enemies. I do not believe anyone will take our company decision personally. This is a company decision.”

“Don’t you think by this decision, other sailors of other shipping companies will have unrest or they might demand from their superiors to pay more and it will put the whole shipping trade at unease?”

“This company is not managed by other peoples’ opinions and therefore we are not interested about others.”

There were so many questions put to all of us and we managed to answer them boldly. One of them was about my love life and marriage. Someone asked me whether I am engaged? I said no.

After awhile the same person remarked that he feels that I am in love. I asked him how?, and he said that my face color changed when the question was asked. These reporters are shrewd. They are cunning and they smell things.

Same day we managed to send radio messages to all our ships regarding the decision of salary increments and further we send specific instructions to all the captains and food and beverage authorities to display the menu for the week on the notice board before hand so that all our sailors will get decent meals every day. By the time we came back home it was seven in the evening.

After taking a shower and an early dinner we started sorting out the Bible which was torn apart. By 11.30 we were sleepy and had to retire. We prayed for awhile and Emi prayed for Papa’s salvation and also for Shane because by first of June he will go out of work. After praying Emi said that she has a strong feeling that I am in love with Shane because while Emi was praying about Shane I was more than agreeing.

On my bed I thought of what Emi said about Shane. That old feeling of lust is no more there. I have no interest to seduce him but there is something else which has replaced that feeling. I wonder whether it is love. Those passed days when I thought of Shane my body was on fire but now when I think of him my heart is on fire. Now I do not need sleeping pills to go to sleep. Jesus gives me a good night sleep. My life has changed for good and I love Jesus.

When I got up in the morning it was 7.00 and I quickly took a shower and got ready to go to work. At the breakfast table I met Emi and Papa. They were discussing the news and almost all the newspapers have published our story of increasing of staff salaries. They have contacted some other shipping companies and most of them are blaming us for trying to monopolize the shipping trade. Their views were not very good and one of them had even commented that I am off my nuts. Most of them think that we will manage like this only for a short while before we go bankrupt. I wondered whether German papers will copy this story so that Shane will see it too.

“What do you think Sarah?”

Emi asked me.

“Did we expect better?”

I replied.

“I don’t like the sound of the others and therefore you have to take extra precautions about your security.”

That was Papa.

“Don’t worry Papa, nothing will happen to me, if God is on my side, who could go against me? No one, absolutely no one. I have seen people living for Christ. I have seen them refusing worldly pleasures for Christ. They have pure hearts because when they speak they speak from their hearts. I want to be one of them because the Bible says the ones who have pure hearts will see God.”

“I don’t know, I am too old to argue with you but be careful.”

But it happened. It happened in the midst of celebrities. It happened in the entertainment heart of America. I was invited for a grand opening of the film “Tremors of Past Memories” made by the famous moviemaker Vincenso Lapri. The opening was held at Las Vegas and at the Regal. The premier was only for invitees and I was one of them.

I flew to the place with Sholcky and Logus but asked them to stay outside as the invitations were for my escort and me. With a little bit of persuasion I managed to get Jim to escort me for the premier. I am not sure whether he is expecting to make love to me afterwards but I am not ready for that. If his idea is that, this will be the last day he will go out with me.

The premier was scheduled to start by 6.30pm and we went there by 6.20. By the time we enter the auditorium there were so many invitees chatting with each other. Glamour and splendor was all over. With a bit of difficulty I managed to greet Vincenso and he remarked that he would like to give me the leading role in his next film. We just laughed. There were so many men watching me. Though I was wearing one of my newest and best dressers I never intended to impress anybody there. Those days are gone.

The first part of the story was really good and the build up for a super ending was at sight. I believe everybody present enjoyed the first part. From their faces everybody looked satisfied and looking forward for the second part. The break at middle did the trick I believe as everyone present were looking forward for the final part of the film. Even Jim said that the film is very cleverly done and it will be a super box office hit. I excused myself and started towards the ladies room.

The auditorium was on the third floor of the building and in between the second and the third floors there was another floor where the wash rooms, powder rooms and toilettes were located so I started going down the steps to the ladies room and when I reached the door I felt someone was behind me. I turned around at once and noticed that four men are just behind me and I was alarmed and wanted to press the special security button located on my wristwatch. But within a fraction of time one of them held a handkerchief to my mouth and nose and within a few seconds I went unconscious.