Divine Obstacle by Gamcha King - HTML preview

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Meanwhile in Kleegau in Germany it was 2.30 on a cool September morning and suddenly Shane was woken up by unexplainable means. He thought for a moment what made him get up? He felt an urge to pray. So he knelt down. First he started praying about his mother but soon he knew that his mother is all right. He kept on praying and all of a sudden he started seeing a vision. In that vision he saw Sera and she was in trouble. She has got caught to some robbers and she was in a dark and shabby room. The only difference he noticed in that vision is, she is praying.

Then he remembered. The day that he met Sera, God spoke to him and told him that she will be his wife someday. He wrote that words of wisdom on a piece of paper and posted that to his own name the next day. He met her during his birthday time but today it is more than four months gone. Though he remembered what God told him, he didn’t know how it is going to happen because he didn’t know whether he would meet Sera again in his life. Though he posted what God told him that day in a message to himself, he had doubts whether really God spoke or whether he felt that God spoke as she is the most beautiful woman he ever came across all his life. He never bothered to pray about what God told him and he felt that first he has to repent for the lapse on his side.

The time he met Sera she was only interested in going to bed with him. As God said that she will be my wife someday, God will change her. He tried to remember what God spoke to him that day. Finally it came to his mind;

God said, ‘Behold your wife whom I have chosen for you. Wait until I bring her back to you Holy and Clean.”

He continued to pray for this God’s message but he knew for him to marry Sera, only God could make it happen. As he was praying now, he wondered whether he lacked praying for Sera during the past days. 1st of June he went out of work. As Sussi’s guesthouse is doing well he had a readymade job there from chopping wood for the fire place to utilize during the winter to, cooking, cleaning and washing. As it is summer if the people felt like coming inside he played a little bit of piano too.

Now all of sudden, at 2.30 in the morning God is calling him for fervent prayer for Sera. He continued to pray until 5.00 in the morning and finally God spoke to him saying...

“She is your future wife that I have chosen her for you. I have changed her because I love you and you will be blessed. Today I am testing her faith. She is in trouble, but pray that she will never back slide or give up.”

He continued to pray until 6.00 in the morning and went down stairs to prepare morning tea. Sussie was already up and getting ready with the kettle. Shane told the whole story to Susie, and she got upset too but suddenly she wanted that both of them agree that Sera will pass her test and God will give her victory. So they agreed and prayed again. Only then Shane felt that inner peace coming back to him and he knew that God heard their prayer. He decided to pray the rest of the day and read the Bible.

Jim waited for Sarah until even the second part started and felt a little uneasy. Therefore he decided to go towards the wash rooms and started downstairs. There was nothing abnormal there as everybody has returned to their respective seats to watch the second part of the movie. Slowly he went towards the washrooms. Suddenly he saw a dragged mark on the granite floor, which indicated that someone had dragged something, as the marks are quite visible. His heart skipped a beat. He started running towards the entrance to see whether Sholcky and Logus are still there. He came to know them by accident. One day they went out to a discotheque and there they had a big fight. Someone is fighting with somebody else but the whole place got involved in a very short time. Then two hefty men appeared from nowhere and got Sarah and Jim out of the place in a few seconds. Later when they came to Jim’s apartment she explained that they are her bodyguards.

Jim ran towards the entrance and within a few seconds Sholcky was beside him and he asked what is wrong. Jim explained what has happened. Sholcky was quite calm and composed as he listened to what Jim was saying and finally he called Logus also and explained things. Together they searched the whole place carefully and concluded that their madam has disappeared. In minutes they phoned several of their close associates on their mobile telephones and gave them instructions to watch all air ports and sea ports in the United States for any suspected movements of people. Then they phoned home and spoke to Ami about the problem. They advised Jim and the others to keep the police away from the scene until they receive information from their contacts.

Sholcky and Logus decided to keep the police away until they know the motive behind this whole affair. Sholcky had the idea whether Sarah gave the slip to Jim. If that is so she should be back at the air port to take her back home in her father’s private jet or she should contact one of them over their mobile telephones. Therefore they decided to give time. At the same time they constantly contacted their people to get some sort of a lead to this whole saga. They alerted their colleagues all over even to check the high way for any unusual movements. When Logus phoned Clay, the head of the investigation department, first it was a shock to him but suggested whether she was kidnapped due to increase of salaries of workers.

Ami was upset but decided to pray before she announces the news to Papa Harris. She knew that he will get very upset and even at his age he might get a heart attack. When the news came through Sholcky he was in his study and Emi did not want to disturb him until she is further enhanced with the whole story and she was waiting for the calls. When she couldn’t bear it up any more she tried to contact Sholcky or Logus on their mobile telephones to know whether there are any new developments. But always Sholcky and Logus advised her to keep the telephone lines free so if anybody wants to contact them to demand ransom they could do that at first attempt.

Sholcky and Logus waited until 5.00 in the morning and through their contacts confirmed that their madam is being kept somewhere in Las Vegas itself and the kidnappers never went out of USA. Through their contacts they knew that none of the underworld gangs in Nevada State are involved in the kidnapping. Further they knew that it is done by some individuals for a certain benefit. It could be money, it could be sex and rape, it could be revenge.

Sarah shouted. She shouted for Shane, She shouted for Sholcky and Logus, She shouted for Emi, also she called Papa but no one came to rescue her. She slowly came back to her senses. Then she knew that all this drama is not a dream. It is for real. She was in a small cot like bed. Her hands were behind her back and they are tightly knotted with a cord. She wondered what has happened to her. She knew that she came towards the washrooms but then she remembered four hefty guys getting around her and one of them holding a piece of cloth towards her face and she fainted. Now she has woken up in a stranger’s room and she wants to know why? As the room is in darkness she started praying.

It took a long time for her to see any kind of light. Then she knew it is going to be morning very soon and she got herself familiarize with the environment she is in. It is a ten by ten room with a small cot like bed. Then there is a small dressing table which had several drawers with a wash basin on a side. By the walls she knew that it is an old building. Then she heard some footsteps on a wooden staircase and she knew that someone is coming to meet her. The door was old but solid with double locks as the key turned twice while she was watching. Then the door opened and a big man walked in. He looked like a wrestler on a show wrestling show.

“Good morning mam, I knew that you are up by now. You might be hungry also therefore let us get ourselves organized first, I will free your hands now and, do not ask any questions from me as I am hired, the person who brought you here will be coming today and you can ask all the questions from him.

Do you understand Mam?”

I didn’t say anything.

“Did you hear me Mam?”

This time he is loud and rude. I nodded my head and said yes.

“Now that’s better as I am famous to make the dumb talk. They will answer only when I ask. Here we are, and now I am going to make your hands free. Remember no bright ideas, no shouting, and no suspicious acts. If you make me feel uneasy in any way you will regret because I like young boys but sometimes when girls are naughty I use a bit of woman ass too, so they will behave. Do you understand Mam?”

I nodded saying yes softly.

When he removed the bindings my hands were paining. I was scared to talk as he said that I should answer only. He showed me the dressing table and said everything that I need for the moment is there and to use them. Further he said that there is a toilette on the same floor to the left of the room door and to use it if I need to.

“Make sure that you do not step in to the wooden staircase at any time because the creaks are heard miles away. If you do that I will have to teach you a lesson or two. I will bring some breakfast for you and in the meantime make yourself comfortable.”

He left the door opened and left the room.

I waited for another good ten minutes before getting up. In the meantime I pressed the button on my wristwatch several times to see whether Sholcky and Logus are just 50 meters away. I knew that it is no use but I tried. When I got up from the bed I was still feeling dizzy but managed to go to the toilette and to take a good wash. Though the toilette and the place is filthy I had to manage. By the time I finished and changed myself to a track suit that was there inside the dressing table drawer it was quarter to nine.

By nine in the morning Sholcky and Logus decided that they should inform the police. So the police were informed but Sholcky and Logus requested them not to go public until they know the motive behind this kidnapping. They waited until ten in the night but couldn’t find a lead. By now Logus was getting impatient and he is losing his confidence also. Most of the time he was asking Sholcky whether it is already late. The police took statements from almost everybody including the executive staff at Harris Cargo. Everyone suspected that this ordeal took place because of the salary increments of the staff and minor staff by fifty percent. They suspected the other companies were angry about this move and someone in the same trade did this to take revenge. As there were so many big and small shipping companies around, the police didn’t want to question all of them. Emi informed police as the salaries were increased there were so many anonymous calls for about a week threatening Sarah.

Emi went to church as usual as it is a Sunday and in the evening she went for the bible study downtown. She was not at all in a mood to teach so she told her students that she is facing a big problem and she wanted prayer. Everybody wanted to know about the problem but she said it is not regarding her but her friend Sarah. So everyone started praying and they were praying for at least two hours when God spoke to a young girl in the crowd. It was a prophecy about Sarah. God spoke and said that Sarah His daughter will return home in 16 days from now on. When that prophecy was given Emi knew that it is from God as no one in the crowd knew the story. Therefore Emi had to tell the story to her people and they agreed that they would pray without ceasing until Sarah comes back on the sixteenth day. According to the calendar the date will be 29th September.

They kept on praising God for another forty five minutes or so and called it a day.

By the time Emi came back it was passed ten thirty in the night but Mr. Harris was up and in his study. Emi decided to speak to him and went inside. When she looked at him she saw that his eyes are red. May be he was weeping. First she went and put her arm around his waist. Then slowly Emi broke the news to him. After listening he asked!

“How sure are you about this message of your God?”

“Mr. Harris I could lie but my God cannot. When He cannot lie, anything He says is true. You have to believe it. I am sure that Sholcky, Logus and the police are trying their best to find a lead on this whole thing. God never said that we should stop searching for her and wait for 16 days. They should continue to search. In time they will find a lead but Sarah will come home only on the 29th of September and not before.”

“I am not sure whether I would live for another sixteen days. I am breaking apart.”

“Mr. Harris I am sure that is why God gave you this message so that you will hold on and you will have hope. Take courage Sarah will be back as God said. Then you will know that Jesus Christ is for real.”

When Emi said that He didn’t comment but he was sad.

Emi told the news to Martha, Sholcky and Logus also. From the time Martha came to know the story she is been crying. She is not in a position to understand anything. But when she heard the message of God, she stopped crying and her face lit up and Emi knew that she got new hope that her mistress will be all right. Sholcky was confident but Logus was losing his confidence, after hearing the message he also was feeling all right. Then Emi told Sholcky and Logus that God didn’t ask us to wait until Sarah returns but to search more so that on the 29th of September she would be found. Emi didn’t forget to lay hands and pray for Sholcky and Logus.

Sarah had a good breakfast and a good lunch. She prayed a lot and asked God to give her courage to go through this ordeal and to have victory at the end. She prayed about her Papa, Martha, Emi, Sholcky and Logus. Specially she prayed about Shane. She prayed even if she does not come out victoriously God will let Shane know that she loved her finally from the inner being herself. She prayed about the people who are working in the company. She prayed about Shane. When that name came to her mind it was different than the others. She prayed about his mother, his financial situation. She decided that she should marry soon to have a guardian in her life. She needs security. She needs love and affection. She needs to have children. When the kidnapper arrived to see her it was 7 in the evening.

She was astonished to see Jason. The General Manager whom she kicked out after finding with his secretary on his office table.

“Surprised Eh!?”

“Tell me why you brought me here?”

I was nearly crying.

“Now don’t jump the gun, because the gun this time is in my hand and not in yours. The day you kicked me out of your life and your office you possessed the gun. But today it is different but still I love you.”

“Oh! No Jason that will never happen. It is over between us. If you brought me here to ask my love once again, you are mistaken and that will never happen.”

“Now you are jumping the gun again, I said today I have the gun in my hand and not yours. We will leave this place once we are married but not before. Do you see what I mean? You owe me something Sarah, it is time that you settle it.”

“I owe you nothing Jason, you are the one who owe me because you ruined my whole life.”

“Now can you remember the day you kicked me out of that office? Did you give me a chance to apologize or to explain things? It is same today I do not intend to give you that chance because today you are my prisoner.”

“Jason are you mad? What was there to explain or to apologize when you got caught red handed?”

“Now Sarah don’t get me wrong, any man in this world will fuck if he is given the chance. Specially when you lift up your skirt and spread your legs apart. You will never find a man who wouldn’t do that and that doesn’t mean to say that I don’t love you. That doesn’t mean to say I will not marry you. That doesn’t mean to say that I can’t be your husband. That does not mean to say that I loved her more than you.”

I wanted to tell Jason that I know a man who wouldn’t do that just because you lift up your skirt or spread your legs but decided against as it will be a bad remark.

“I don’t know I am not willing and you can do anything you want.”

“Now don’t decide in a hurry. I will give you enough time to think because no one is going to find out where you are and, you are in safe hands as long as security is concerned. I am leaving now and will be back in about three day’s time then we can talk more. I hope you will make a wise decision. Good bye Sarah and be comfortable.”

“Let me go Jason. I cannot agree to your proposal and you are wasting time. If you need money I will give you, if you want secrecy I will promise, but please let me go.”

“No Sarah until you marry me you don’t go from here. Good bye!”

After the second day of the disappearance the police decided to go public with the news and it was headlines in most of the papers. Even international media published the news of the disappearance. It was on radio and TV too. Shane also heard the news but as he is not a fan of TV or newspapers he never got a chance to see Sarah’s photograph. If he got a chance to see the photograph, definitely he would have recognized Sera as Sarah.

On that day after a hectic day’s work finally when Rolf, Sussie and Shane sat together to have a little dinner the topic was Sarah the heir to the empire of Harris Cargo and Shipping. Rolf suspected that she has been kidnapped for ransom. Sussie said the kidnapping could be from gang rapists. Shane said that it could be the wrath of God as they use to treat their workers like dogs.

Finally when they started praying before going to sleep they prayed about Sarah also. After praying Sussie said that she was prompted by the Holy Spirit to pray for her. Even Shane felt sad about her and he was reminded that Jesus came to this world because of sinners and for sinners.

Before going to sleep Shane prayed his personal prayers and asked the Lord to make Sarah free from the problem she is facing today. He prayed about Sera also his future wife who is also facing a problem at the moment and asked God to make her free too. By the time he went to sleep it was one in the morning.

Ten days passed without a trace of Sarah. Sholcky and Logus tried their best to get a clue about the disappearance but failed. Emi was praying. Papa Harris and Martha were losing their patience. The police blamed almost everybody for keeping it a secret without informing at once.

Jim is also under pressure from the bank as so many people who came to the bank asked him what happened. Therefore he decided to stay back until this ordeal is over but deep inside he wondered whether he is also responsible. He tried several times to go out with some other girl just to have some relaxation but the girls were scared to date him. He wondered if something happens to Sarah whether he will also be charged as an accomplice. He thought whether his banking job is secure? To him Sarah was a nice girl. He knew that she had men in her life but she was very selective of her male friends. Jim knew her for about two years now and other than the fight at the discotheque there were no problems at all. She made a date with him when she needed what all the other women needed in their lives and that was quite normal. She was super in bed. Once he wanted to propose himself to her but he was scared to put his tongue forward first knowing that if she wanted she would propose. The police visited him so many times and once they searched the apartment also. He knew that it is getting worse day by day as there is no news about her.

Jason visited so many times to confront Sarah but there was no success. Sarah got to know that Jason is on cocaine when he came there for the second time. Every time they met he blamed Sarah for the state he is in today and was determined that he should marry her. The last time he came was special as he poured himself out to Sarah.

“I still remember the day you sacked me. I received only an eleven days salary to face my future. You know that I used to spend all my money on you as we were supposed to get married. It was our company and I did not have to save. We had good times but one slip cannot make you forget me forever. Then I met a friend of mine who introduced me to a Colombian drug agent. As I was familiar with shipping he offered me a job where I got paid ten times over but I had to handle so many illegal narcotic shipments. Soon I was rich but I got hooked. Recently I handed over a shipment to the wrong party and now I owe a million and a half to my employer. If I do not settle this money in three months time I will be meat. All these things happened because of you and I knew how I could pay this money. The only way is to marry you. If you consider the plight I am in, I believe that you will take me out of it.”

“No Jason between you and me it is over. If you need money I can give you. That doesn’t mean to say that I should marry you.”

“Why did I bring you like this? Today you are my slave and you do what I say. If I marry you, it is not million and a half but we own everything. It is not million and a half but as we have capital, I will make fifteen million in two months. If we marry we have an excuse for the disappearance also.”

“Jason you are wasting your time, you won’t succeed and it is final.”

“Then I am sorry to tell you that I will kill you and kill myself too. I wouldn’t give you a chance to live again, because you are the person who ruined my life. The time is running out for me and remember! for you also. I can’t keep people to watch you over for years and very soon this should end, today it is the tenth day and my patience is running out.”

“You can do anything that you want my decision remains same.”

“We will see! I will ask my friend to tame you in the mean time.”

“Try and see.”

After that day Sarah got only one meal a day and the pressure was on. The huge man who was looking after her was giving her a brainwash. She was nearly breaking apart but constant prayer did something marvelous and her inner peace was intact. He constantly told her that very soon his master will hand over her to him and then he is going to use her for about a week with his friends. Though she heard all these things she believed that only God’s volition would happen. Most of the time when she prayed she felt the presence of the Holy Spirit inside the room.

She realized how good Shane is. Here Jason says given the chance any man will sleep with a woman. Shane was different. He was given more than enough opportunities but never used them. That is the kind of husband She wants to have she thought. She prayed that she would be released from this nightmare so she could marry Shane. She wondered what will happen if Shane has already found the correct wife for him? After thinking for a very long time she decided that she would stay single forever.

Twelve days have passed without any news about Sarah. Emi found it is difficult to make others believe that Sarah will return on the 16th day. She prayed silently with her downtown friends. They believed that Sarah would return as God said. That belief was giving her a lot of courage to go through with the daily routine. Every day she went to the office and did her best to update all the work of Sarah. Papa Harris had given authority to the director sales promotions to authorize all sales. Sholcky and Logus seem to be busy but they are losing the battle and their confidence is deteriorating rapidly. The police were trying to show that they are working hard but they are also sleeping.

27th of September, the 14th day of the kidnapping Jason came to see Sarah and he looked angry.

“Sarah I have given you enough time to take a decision and you seem not to understand and therefore I have to take a drastic decision at this moment about our future. I do not like to do this but I need you to understand. I believed that you would marry me. I believed that if I marry you all my problems are over. But now it is different. I have decided to run away. I will kill you and run away.”

“Let me go Jason, you know it is over between us. I have decided even if you kill me, not to give in. You can kill me but you can’t run away. You will get caught.”

“If I let you go, you can give me to the police. But if you are dead no one knows that I brought you here. Do you see the difference Sarah?”

“I promise that I won’t give you in to the police. Can’t you see Jason? I have no clothes no proper food no proper facilities, I have stayed here enough, let me go.”

“I know all Sarah, but now after reducing the diet you look more beautiful. The time is running out, the day after tomorrow is the last day I am coming here and that is the day our fate is decided. If you do not like my proposal get ready to die. Before dying Roco will make you meat anyway.”

He closed the door and left immediately. Instantly Sarah thanked God because He had given another forty eight hours for her to live. During forty eight hours she believed that God could do wonders.

Crompo Sukra was a happy man. He had completed three months of his first job at the age of twenty eight at sea and returning home. He managed to learn many things during this time and he liked the job, as it was full of amusement and suspense. He is strong and he could manage any kind of hard work. Unlike the others, he worked twelve hours a day and he was popular among the crew. Even the captain of the ship, Capt. Royce loved him. He even recommended Sukra to the head office about his work.

Any way he managed to save about five and a half grand for the three months. He knew that old Sukra who still works as the janitor of the same building would be happy to see him. God has done many good things in his life and today he is free of drugs, alcohol and prostitution. He wants to thank sister Emi for what she has done in the neighborhood. He wants to give some money towards the educating of kids in the block. He wants to feel responsible. By the time he got down from the downtown train it was four in the evening. He went into a shopping mall to buy a few things as presents to his father, sister Emi and the little kids in his neighborhood. His eyes became wet when he remembered his mother while buying various presents. When she ran away with uncle Pino his father’s best friend he was only eight and his mother was twenty-five. Uncle Pino and his father worked at the local office and they were garbage cleaners. In the evenings they get together at their home and the two friends used to share a bottle of cheap alcohol. His father used to get drunk quickly and uncle Pino could consume more alcohol than his father. Whenever his father got drunk uncle Pino and mama used to carry him to the bed. Afterwards uncle Pino and mama used to talk for long hours. Finally mama left with uncle Pino one day and he never saw her again.

By the time he got to the nearby neighborhood it was passed six. Straight away he walked towards his father’s room. Old Sukra was happy man to see his son. He remembered the day he was born and the love he had for him. That same love has returned and old Sukra thought that now his son a good son.

“I am glad”

old Sukra sighed.

“Yes Pap a million thanks to God for that lady, I am happy in the sailing field. Even captain Royce is happy with my work. I have stopped all bad habits and I have managed to save a lot.”

“I don’t need your money. Save it so you can get married to someone worthy someday.”

 “Pap how is sister Emi? Is she doing all right? Is she still conducting the Bible studies?”

“She is all right and she still visits us. By the way she is worried about the lady boss of hers and yours. She has gone missing and now it is nearly two weeks. The whole block is getting together every day and praying for this lady. But so far no news of her. Today in the papers it says that the kidnapper is not after money and they give so many cracked stories as she is a beautiful lady. Today Emi is coming and you will know more once you meet with her.”

When Emi saw Sukra that evening she was amazed. She went up to him and embraced him.

“Brother, I am glad that you are back. You look strong and firm. How is your Christian life?”

“Well I am alright with the Lord. He is still my shepherd. I am clean of every bad thing. I am glad that Jesus is my Lord.”

They spoke of so many things and Emi updated him on Sarah’s problem too. Sukra gave the present, which he bought for Emi and she was thrilled, because this is the first time she is receiving a present from a young man. The donation for the educating the kids was one grand. Again she was surprised at Sukra’s heart. She never failed to comment on it.

“Brother Sukra only God can give you a heart like that! May God bless you more.”

It was nine thirty in the evening when the prayer was over.

Sukra wanted to meet his friends now. He also wanted to test whether he is out of danger of drugs even when he got together with his friends who are still on drugs. It is going to be the final acid test and he wanted to go through.

When he walked into Raphael’s den it was ten minutes to ten. Most of his friends were still there talking and balling men for drinks and drugs. Rhino was free and he went up to him. When Rhino saw Sukra he looked glad.

“Hey man where were you fucking all these days?”

“I found a job Rhino and now I am a sailor.”

“Unbelievable man unbelievable. Let’s have some dude, I’ve got some good coke with me, these days I am working in a gold mine from Colombia. His name is Roco. He is on duty and if I get late, he is a crying type. He says he is in love with me and he pays me double always.”

“I am out of all these things now Rhino. You know we were struggling, we were made to push coke and shit, we were made to act like slaves, we were given the syringe so we will push harder, we were made prostitutes so we could earn a living and have enough of dope, we were informants so when job is done, some other got caught. Do you think that is life?”

Suddenly Rhino was silent and Sukra saw that his eyes were shining.

“Three months ago my father did a favor to a wealthy young lady and because of that favor he managed to promote me for a job in a ship she owned. First I did not want to go becau