Divine Obstacle by Gamcha King - HTML preview

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It took about four days for Sarah to become normal. Many a time she was scared. The ordeal was too much for her and Emi had to spend more time with her. Most of the time Emi used God’s words to encourage Sarah.

“Why did this happen to me Emi?”

Sarah asked Emi.

“For everything God has a plan and a purpose. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, Satan starts attacking us in many ways. If we are firm enough to be in the Lord during times like that, God will give us the victory.”

From the day Sarah was found Emi managed to keep a track on Shane through their investigation department. Emi was convinced that Shane will be Sarah’s husband some day. Emi was given a vision by God to confirm it.

Most of the time whenever they spoke Sarah said that she will marry Shane someday but she didn’t know how it will happen. After about a month or so after the abduction ordeal Emi one day suggested that she should fast and pray for God’s will on this matter.

“How long do you think?”

Sarah asked Emi.

“You start for a week and I will also fast and pray with you. Also before fasting and praying you read Isaiah 58 and get the understanding guidelines of how to fast.”

Both of them agreed that they will start from tomorrow. It is a Tuesday and they went to office without any food but liquids. Sarah and Emi finished their work by twelve and headed home.

The case of abduction is on and it seems that Jason and the people who were connected will get the maximum penalty. The case is coming up for trial in two weeks. At four in the evening the call came.

“Hello! Could I speak to Miss Sarah Harris?”

It is a female voice and Martha gave the phone to Sarah.

“Hello! Sarah here?”

“Miss, you do not know me but I know you. My name is Ramulki Swainey  and I wish to see you regarding a personal matter. Do you have a little free time for me?”

“Why you want to see me?”

“Miss I cannot tell you over the phone but if you give a little of your time?”

“Ok! Where are you now?”

I am in New York city and waiting for your response and time to meet you.”

Alright I will see you in half hour at my place. Is it ok by you?”

“Most certainly miss I will be there in half hour.”

Ramu knew that Jason was upset to hear that she is pregnant. She never wanted to have a child from Tim though she liked him a lot. Tim gave her everything other than the love and affection a young couple will have. Ramu enjoyed Jason’s presence very much for the fact that Jason was a sweet boy and though he was younger to Ramu, he delivered the goods when it came to love, sex, affection and attention.

As they were both playing hide and seek love making was intense and vibrant. They enjoyed each other very much. After the birth of Thenu the daughter, she never wanted to go behind men. Tim always thought that Thenu was his child.

Six months after the birth of Thenu Tim had his first heart attack. As Paula was working for Tim at the time, when the child was born she became the maid to Ramu and was very helpful during the time of Tim’s first heart attack.

Before getting the second attack he made his will in favor of Ramu and Thenu. First attack saw him going for a bypass but the surgeon operated on him was not very satisfied with the outcome of it as with the bypass he had to change a few stents as well. May be Tim knew that he is going to die. As he thought he died on the second attack and Ramu became the company owner and continued running the business good.

As Thenu celebrated her tenth birthday, the news came about the arrest of Jason and Ramu wanted Jason to be released and also to make family with him. This is the very reason Ramu decided to go to New York to see him.

In police custody she managed to get to see him through a lawyer and she met Jason after more than ten long years. Both of them were speechless for a good five minutes before Jason spoke.

“Why are you here?”

“I want you out of here and take you home. Look at your daughter she is ten and needs a father, how do you like to come home?”

Jason’s heart started burning when he saw Thenu. At once it came to his mind that this is his blood.  He wondered whether he did a mistake by leaving Ramu when she said that she is with child from him.

“I am not sure as the situation is very complicated. Even if I come out I might be killed.”

“What do you mean? Tell me everything; I will see what I could do.”

“If this case proceed, you will go to prison for a good fifteen years and if you tell me what should be done without hiding anything, then I might be able to help. Jay please try to understand, after you, I have never been with another man and after Tim’s death I was really thinking how to reach you, because Thenu needs the father.”

So Jason told everything to Ramu. From the beginning. He had nothing to hide as he didn’t see a way out of this problem. He told her about the Colombian connection and how he owed them one and a half million dollars. To pay this money he had to kidnap Sarah, the only way out he knew for sure, but the plan went sour in front of his own eyes.

“Ok! Jay, give me all the details to contact these people and I will get back to you fast. In the meantime tell me frankly whether you will come home?”

“To have family I need a cleaning process Ramu as I am addicted to cocaine now. If you are willing to put me through rehabilitation and take me back I will be faithful to you and Thenu, and this is a promise.”

“I need one more promise and that is until you are totally free of coke, you will listen to me and you will not demand anything from me.”

“I promise.”

“Remember I still love you and I have not changed. May be you would have thought that those days it is only sex that I was after but I wanted to be young as I was young and I wanted to fall in love with someone young as Tim was old. At that time you were the only person I got attracted to and I was in love.”

“Well I will change the way I used to think and will make it up to you.”

“Ok! It is time for me to leave and give me a few days and I will be back.”

“Guy the lawyer was at his 30’s and a criminal lawyer. Ramu wanted him to take up this case for her and she asked whether he could get in touch with the Colombian party, so that first and foremost she will settle that.

When Tim died he had a saving of 41 million dollars and paying off one and a half is nothing compared to what she will get for Thenu. So she decided that she will pay his debts first.

It took three days for Guy to settle matters with Colombians and after paying 3 million dollars inclusive of interest got Jason cleared of possible physical assault or even murder. Guy had everything in writing and Ramu was happy.

The second thing she decided was to the meeting with Sarah. The request she made to Sarah was successful and just getting down from the taxi at Sarah’s house she thanked God for this meeting and prayed a small prayer asking God for help to come out of this problem.

Logus thoroughly checked Ramu and Thenu before taking them to the living room and made them comfortable by showing them a couch.

“Hi! I am Sarah…”

While walking in to the living room Sarah extended her hand to Ramu.

“I am Ramulki.”

“Tell me what do you want from me?”

Ramu related the whole story to Sarah. Finally she said….

“I want Jason out of this problem and only you could help. I ask for this favor not because of Jason but Thenu. She needs the father Please consider our daughter.”

Sarah called Emi also in to the living room and introduced Ramu to her and asked Ramu to tell the story again.

“I agree what you say is true, but there are a few complications involved here. Excuse me for talking on behalf of Sarah, We don’t gain anything by sending Jason to prison.

 The only thing we want is that we will never see him again. If you are in a position to make this point clear with Jason I do not see any other reason to release Jason and withdraw the case.”

Sarah nodded in agreement.

“I will make sure that Jason wouldn’t cross paths with you again ever. Will you release him?”

What is the guarantee you have on it?”

“He told me about his addiction and wants to spend some time in rehab. I think he is genuine this time. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here.”

“Ok! I will speak to my lawyers and we will settle this out of court. But Jason will have to give a promise to my lawyers that he will go for rehab, and he will never cross paths with me here after. Is that clear?”

“Yes, it is. I thank you Sarah. Thank you for bringing a family together.”

Ramu was happy to settle the matter that way. The next day she went to see Jason and explain everything to him and made him promise that he will give the relevant statements to Sarah’s lawyers in proper manner.

The fasting was difficult and I had to break it on the third day but Emi continued without any problem.

“You cannot do it by force. We need to have God’s grace even to fast, even to kneel down and pray for hours.”

Emi said when I told her that I can’t go on any more.

“Next time you will be stronger and ask God to give you strength to go through.”

“I will Emi.”

Now I don’t have sleeping problems. I don’t have urge to have sex but most of the time Shane came to my mind and I wonder how he will enter in to my life. Also I was thinking of my failure with Jim and Ray on bed and was keen to know whether I am really sick. There were many confirmations from God regarding Shane but I cannot fathom how this will happen. Some how I know that he is the man of my life or I will stay single.

What Sukra did was the best that could ever happen. I think he was really lucky to get the information regarding my kidnapping but as he is man with his ear to the ground it was timely act that he came back home at the correct time. Papa managed to buy him a house as a present for what he did. Now the father and the son live together once again. Also he was enrolled to the investigation department of the company and most of the time I see him at the office.

Sometimes when something significant happens on the world scene, a bombing, a terrorist attack, a kidnapping, or a disappearance Sukra knew how exactly it happened and who was behind it. Amazing guy……………

He has taken an interest on Emi and may be even without knowing Emi is also responding to him I suppose. Sukra is the one who drives Emi for her bible classes down town and he attends every bible study and prayer with her. He had spoken many things about his life with Emi and basically there was nothing to hide about his life.

Rhino his friend had come for a bible study one day with Sukra and has got saved. He had cried like a little kid in front of the crowd and had accepted Jesus in to his heart. Now he is sailing. Sometimes when they dock he calls Sukra and always thank him for introducing Jesus to him.

It was difficult to hide from Rhino the combination Sukra had with Sarah’s kidnapping. This is the very reason Sukra had to spend all his savings for the cover up of traces of him or Rhino getting caught for leaking the information to the authorities. Or otherwise both of them will be dead and gone by now.