Do You Remember Your Newlywed Feeling? Do You Long for It Again? by Gerard Willis - HTML preview

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What makes a happy marriage?

There are certain attitudes and actions that can help bring romance back to your marriage. Adopting these attitudes can help keep romance alive or revive it in ways you never thought possible.

When you get frustrated over your husband’s laziness or sick to death of your wife’s nagging, look at this list and put them to use. You might be quite surprised at what a change they can make!

First, Learn compassion and acceptance. Realize that your partner is human, no matter how perfect he or she seemed in the beginning. He is going to do things that bug you. She is going to do things to disappoint you. Expect this. In fact, is there any relationship of any type where this is not the case? Try to have as much compassion for and acceptance of your partner as you do for your friends.

Most importantly, remember your partner is not imperfect to hurt you. His or her imperfections are not an indication of lack of love for you.

Communicate, communicate, and communicate negative emotions. Communicate when you feel hurt. Communicate when you need something to change. Communicate when you are disappointed. Communicate when you feel angry. Communicate when you feel needy.

It is the negative emotions, like these that we tend to not want to communicate in a relationship. We think we are taking care of our partner by sparing him or her anger or disappointment. In fact, when we hold our negative emotions back, we are quietly releasing poison into the atmosphere of the relationship.

The best thing to do with any negative emotion is to get it out in the open and resolve it. But, communicate these emotions instead of accusing your partner of making you feel this way or that.

Appreciate and celebrate your partner every day. I know this one is hard to do, but here is something that will help immediately. Live each day as if this is the last day you have with your partner.

You don't have to be laid back, but accidents happen all of the time. For all you know, today could be the last day you and your partner have together. And if it is the last day, you won't know it until it is over.

The thing most people regret when a loved one dies is not having had the opportunity to say "I love you." If a loved one has died in your life, you know exactly what I mean.

Live each day as if it were the last day of your relationship. If this really was the last day with your partner, you would want him or her to know how much he or she is loved and appreciated.

Touch each other every day. Physical connection is essential to the health and longevity of the relationship, as well as to the health and longevity of each of you.

If you have been out of practice for a while, you may not feel romantic at first, may not want to by intimate with your partner. Even if it feels artificial, I suggest you try to connect physically and sexually.

As you reconnect, you will find it gets easier to continue reconnecting and to bring the romance and even love back into your relationship. So how do you do this? There are lots of ways to get started. Let’s start with the generalities.