Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“So, unicorns ei. I can’t believe it. I use to dream of riding them when I was a girl,” I told him excitedly.

“They are amazing, and nowhere near as girly as I thought they were when I was a child,” he said and chuckled. “They look very powerful and proud.”

The unicorns both looked over as he said it as if they could understand every word.

“Guys, you’re beautiful!” he said gesturing to them.

They waved their heads high in the air and made a neighing sound as if approving of his last comment.

“I wonder if they’d let us ride them?” I asked looking longingly at them. The unicorn that had galloped up to me took a step closer to me and nudged my shoulder a little to get my attention and nodded his head in agreement. I looked over at Peter with excitement. He smiled and said: “They seem to be ok with it. Here, I’ll help you up.”

There was no saddle so Peter locked his hands together so that I could put my foot on them and push myself up. I felt a little self conscious, I knew I wasn’t heavy anymore, but I had been and I think that always sticks with you. It seemed to go very smoothly though, he acted as if I didn’t weigh more than a feather. I threw my leg over the unicorns back, there were no rains so I had to hold on to the mane, hoping I wouldn’t by accident pull to hard once we started moving. After Peter had made sure I was steady and happy sitting on my unicorn he walked over to the other one and took a few steps back before running up a speed in order to get up. It took some effort but he made it on the first try, which was impressive seeing as the unicorn was so big.

“You look like you’ve done that before?” I said, feeling impressed by his jump up to the unicorns back.

“Well, I use to ride when I was little, I’ve always loved