Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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horses. Some guys think it’s girly but I don’t, I feel like a cowboy. Well, apart from the horn in this case that is.”

The unicorn gave him a look as if to say, watch so I don’t throw you off.

“I think he thinks it’s very manly, I reckon he could kick some ass with that thing.” I made eye contact with the unicorn and smiled and he nodded back at me in approval. Peter chuckled.

We started moving along the beach. It felt easy to sit there. It didn’t feel off balanced, then again we hadn’t started galloping yet.

I looked Peters way. He looked really relaxed up on the back of the beautiful creature. He was yet again, wearing the same clothes as he had been wearing in the previous dreams. Then that awful realization creeped up, I understood I was in a dream. I felt saddened but didn’t want to ruin the time we had together, so I quickly pulled myself together. Peter hadn’t seemed to notice. Gosh, I thought, he really is beautiful. His hair a little messy looking, in a nice clean sexy way.

“So you used to ride? What else?”

I realized I knew very little about him. Even though it was my mind making it all up, I wanted to know.

“I don’t know much about you, do you have a big family?”

“Erm…” He looked a little confused. “I have a younger sister, I think.” He looked up at me. “You know, I can’t really remember. I mean, I know I have a little sister and a mum and dad, but it feels like I dreamt them or something. Like I haven’t seen them for a long time and they’re fading away.”

My heart went out to him, I didn’t want him to feel alone or distant from his family, so I tried to make him