Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“Why would you think I would drink at work, have we met? Come on mum, you know me!”

“OK, OK, sorry dear, it’s just, I don’t know what you kids are up to these days, seems only yesterday you were 15 and came home drunk.”

“Oh my god mum, are you ever going to let that one go? Would you rather I hadn’t come home and been in some random guys flat?”

“No no, of course not! I just worry that’s all and that time got me worried. We couldn’t get hold of you for hours and then you walk in, or should I say crawl in, at six in the morning. We almost called the police!”

“Yeah, I know. It was a crazy teenagers mistake. But mum, I’m twenty-two now, I’m a responsible adult and I would never do anything to jeopardize my career.

“I know dear. I think I’m a little on edge because of your sister.

“Why, what’s up with Emma? I asked worriedly. I knew I gave my mum a hard time for being a little over- protective but I kind of understood where she was coming from because I sometimes felt the same about my sister, she was a lot wilder and less predictable than I was at that age.

“She sometimes doesn’t come home after school and she never calls, and very rarely she picks up the phone when we call. I swear your sister is giving me grey hairs! She didn’t come home until ten yesterday, a school night! She won’t listen to your father and I. I don’t know what to do? It’s as if she has an overdose of teenage hormones and it’s driving me to an early grave.”

“Ok, mum, let’s not over exaggerate. I’ll talk to her though, she probably doesn’t realize the stress she’s causing. It’s just a phase. It’ll pass.” At least I was hoping