Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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it would pass.

“Thank you dear, I would really appreciate that, she looks up to you, she listens to you.”

“Yeah, well I’ll do my best.”

I heard my mum take a breath as if to say ’OK that’s done, now on to the next subject’.

“How is it going with your new man?” She sounded nosy and needy for the latest news on my love life. I couldn’t be bothered talking about it so I decided to keep it short.


“Just fine? Are you seeing him again soon?”

“Mum, if I start being serious with him I promise you’ll be the first to know,” I said as I crossed my fingers, knowing that she’d probably be one of the last.

“OK dear, I just want you to be happy.”

“I know mum. Listen, I have to get back to work. Love to dad.

“Have a nice day now, and let me know how the talk goes with Emma.”

“Will do. Bye now.

“Bye dear,” and then we hung up.

I texted my sister straight away, just to check on her. Luckily enough, she always answered my texts pretty quickly. So I guessed she was ignoring phone calls that were from our parents. I asked how she was and said that it would be nice to see each other, just her and me, sometime in the next few days. She replied that she’d love that and suggested maybe going for a manicure, or going to the cinema, something fun. I agreed and then we decided we’d be in touch over the weekend to plan it.

For lunch I had simply gone out and bought a chicken sandwich and a coffee at Costa and brought it back to the