Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“It’s Dave, and yeah, he’s fantastic, but when I’m with him, I almost feel like I’m cheating with the man from my dreams.”

“Right, look Alex, it really just sounds like you’re afraid of commitment or something. I mean, Dave seems like a great guy yeah? So maybe you’re just scared of falling for a guy who you feel might be out of your league? NOT that he is, I’m just saying maybe that’s how you feel. So instead of giving it a chance, your sub- conscience tells you that it’s safer to be with a made up man. A man you can always fantasize about and in your head he’ll always love you and never leave.”

It made sense what he was saying and I had thought of that myself but I didn’t want Peter to not be real.

“Yeah, maybe you’re right.”

“Look, you’re seeing him tomorrow night right? Just try and put this made up dude to rest whilst you’re there. Don’t put too much pressure on it, just have fun. And Alex, give the guy a chance, you’re worth someone amazing, don’t let it pass you by because you’re scared.

“OK, thanks.” I felt better having talked about it and it made me feel like I wasn’t going crazy. I grabbed the remote and pressed play.

“Oh, by the way, my roommate Lisa is coming tomorrow as well. So if you don’t see her today, since I don’t know how late she’s gonna be, you’ll see her tomorrow.

“OK, cool. Hope we get to party with the band again, they’re such a laugh! Love musicians, they’re all crazy!”

We continued watching the rest of the movie. Chris had actually enjoyed it. Saying that he had to admit that the story line and the effects and music were all pretty good. Not as good as the Godfather, he had added quickly and