Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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loved picking Bluebells. They had such a beautiful blue lilac colour and the way they hung like little bells, they resonated beauty and humbleness.

I looked down at my feet and saw that I yet again wasn’t wearing any shoes. It didn’t feel cold though and the grass felt soft, softer than it should have felt. Had I not been dreaming I would probably have felt both cold and sore from walking with bare feet. A soft grey cotton dress with a black belt around my waist was hugging my body in a complimentary way. It was sleeveless and quite short.

I stood high up on a hill with the sea to my right. The sea was calm with a few waves crashing against the rocks. I saw boats far away and closer up there were dolphins.

As I looked closer at them I thought I saw hair glowing in the water and beautiful faces, must be mermaids again, I thought.

It seemed these dreams were so different from any dreams I had ever experienced before. Everything felt so real, the smells, the vivid colours, the touch of something…or someone. I had never been able to know that I was dreaming in a dream until Peter had started popping up. Where was he anyway? I looked around and couldn’t see him anywhere. I decided to take a walk and pick some Bluebells. I started down a path that led me towards a stream. I picked a little bouquet on the way down, walking slowly and really enjoying the fresh air and the nature all around. Someone who lived here couldn’t possibly feel stressed.

I looked up and saw something in the air that seemed to be getting bigger. At first I thought it was a bird but as it got closer I could see that it resembled a human. I squinted my eyes, and then I realized that it was Peter, flying gracefully through the air in the same clothes he