Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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always wore. I jumped up and down like a little excited girl that’s been told she’s going to get a pony. He came closer and swooped down gracefully landing softly just in front of me.


I leaped onto him, throwing my arms around him and hugging tight with my face tucked into his neck, and there I took a deep breath, oh heavens above, I loved the way he smelled!

“Alex! I was looking for you.” He held me tight with his arms around my waist. “It’s a good vantage point when you’re flying. Didn’t take me long to find you. It’s like I knew where you were, like I felt it.”

“I know the feeling,” I said as I let go enough so that I could see his beautiful face. His hair was tousled from having blown in the wind and he looked fresh and healthy. Like he had always lived here.

“It feels familiar, this place. Like I’ve been here before.”

“Maybe you have.” I looked around, tearing my eyes away from him, which was hard. I could stare at him all day long. “It’s beautiful. I think it’s the highlands in Scotland.”

“Yeah, might be.” He looked thoughtful. “Scotland,” he said, looking out into the distance and standing proud. He looked like he belonged.

“So, you tired of flying or can we take another swing up? I’d like to go to the top of that mountain over there.” I pointed at what looked to be the highest mountain there, it was also furthest away.

“Your wish is my command my lady.” He made an impersonation of a servant bowing before a queen whilst looking me in the eye with a smile and offering his hand. I