Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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music on, Avicii was playing on my Spotify list. I made my eyes ’Smokey’, using sparkling dark grey eye shadow, black eyeliner and mascara. I used a pale pink lip gloss.

My hair was the same as always, I had just put a little more volume into it and had my fringe to the side.

I went to the kitchen, got out a couple of wine glasses and poured myself and Lisa white wine. I had music playing from my mobile and was dancing whilst I put the rest of the wine back into the fridge.

Lisa came in after a little while wearing her tight red dress that was very short, it showed off her nice slim legs. You could tell she was a dancer. She had her hair down and her makeup was dark gold metallic colour over the eyes, she had large gold earrings and black high heels, much like the ones I was wearing. She looked fabulous.

“You look great!” I announced.

“And thanks to me, so do you!” She winked at me and smiled as she sat down. “This for me?” She lifted up her glass of wine and took a sip before waiting for my reply.

“Yep, here’s to a good night out!” I said as we raised our glasses together.

“Hear hear!” she said and took another sip.


We arrived outside Bannermans at just passed eight. It was situated on the Cowgate, a very old part of Edinburgh, where the staff apparently could tell you a ghost story or two. But I had never asked them, they seemed busy enough as it was and besides, I wasn’t even sure I wanted to know because I did like the place and didn’t want to be spooked by it.

Chris had arrived a couple of minutes before us but was joking about having waited for hours, which was funny because he was normally the one that was late. If I was