Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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meeting him by myself I always tended to be ten minutes late on purpose, just so I wouldn’t have to sit on my own. He looked over at Lisa and his eyes widened slightly.

Putting out his hand he greeted her.

“Hi, I’m Chris.” He smiled his charming ’for the ladies’ smile. I rolled my eyes. Lisa looked intrigued.

“Hi, I’m Lisa.”

“You do realize”, I cut in, “that you have met before, but you were both hammered. So you might not remember.” They both laughed nervously.

“Oh well, hello again I suppose,” Lisa said with a smile.

“Guess so. Shall we?” He gestured towards the entrance of the bar. “Can I buy you lovely ladies a drink?”

“Always,” Lisa answered and started towards the entrance.

We walked through the doors and into the pub, which was cosy looking. At the bar there hung a birdcage from the ceiling with bottles of Jägermeisters inside. There were all sorts of drinks there, a lot of different whisky brands. Chris ordered a whisky on the rocks and then he looked over at Lisa who ordered a rum and coke, I ordered the same as her.

Lisa had started chatting about her dancing and Chris was looking interested and asking her questions about it. I scanned the room to see if Dave was anywhere. The place was quite full, with groups of people sitting at small rounded wooden tables, and a few people hanging at the bar.

A skinny ginger guy in a death metal T-shirt and black jeans looked over thinking I was checking him out but I looked away quickly enough for him to hopefully have got the hint that I wasn’t interested. A door swung open