Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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they had met but it hadn’t occurred to me that they might be into each other. I hoped that if they did start dating, that everything would be fine, it would be awful if things got ugly between two of my best friends.

The band started playing with the lead singer walking out first in ripped jeans and a white T-shirt. His hair was long and black down to his shoulders and looked like it hadn’t been washed or brushed in a while. It made him look grungy, it was quite a cool look. There was a fine line between cool looking and dirty looking though and he was very near that line.

We half danced to the music. It was good, better than I remembered. They played rocky pop tunes. They were all pretty active on stage, jumping about and getting the audience to sing along, even though we didn’t know any of the songs. They played for about forty-five minutes before thanking the audience for a fantastic night and walking off stage, sweat dripping off them.

Some people stayed by the stage just hanging around but we decided to go back to the bar and get another drink. After about twenty minutes I saw Dave walking up to us.

“Hey, did you enjoy the gig?” he asked.

“Yeah, they were great.” I looked over at Chris and Lisa for more input on the matter.

“Definitely, I thought they were even better than last time.” Chris cut in. Lisa nodded her head and replied: “Well, I was impressed.”

“Good to hear! Let me know if there is anything you guys think we need to change though, positive critic is always welcomed.” He said as he smiled and looked at me. “The bands just getting themselves ready, they have to take the gear back straight away, I think they’ll be out