Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“So, can I get you a drink?”

Mine was finished so I said he could get me a glass of white wine. He got himself a glass of whisky. Chris and Lisa was looking over and I saw Chris whisper something in Lisa’s ear as Lisa looked at me and nodded.

“We’re just going out for some air, we’ll be back in a little while,” she said and they disappeared into the crowd. I took the glass of wine that Dave was handing me.

“I think my best friend and roommate are a little infatuated with each other.”

”I think you might be right,” he said as he leaned against the bar and took a sip of his whisky on the rocks. “There was chemistry written all over them.”

“Yep,” I said raising my eyebrows. “It’s a wild combination though, let’s hope they can handle each other.”

Dave laughed at that.

“Let’s go to the other room, it’s calmer there and there are a few seats, if you want to sit down? I imagine you’ve been standing for a while now?”

My feet were pretty tired and sitting down sounded good so I agreed and we walked back into the room where the gig had been. There were only a few other people in there, some were seated, a couple of the band members were picking up the last cables off the floor and some were standing dancing slightly to the music that was playing which was an ’Arctic monkeys’ song ’Do I wanna know’.

We sat down on a couple of chairs near the corner of the room. I was feeling quite tipsy from the drinks and enjoying the music and Dave’s company, with Chris’s words ringing in my head, ’just have fun’. Yep, having