Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“He just frightened me a bit that’s all. I promise I’m fine.”

“OK, well swear that you’ll text me when you’re home.”

“I will, I promise.”

He smiled his boyish smile and I thought, Lord, I hope they don’t get up to too much nonsense tonight.

I was still scared by what had happened when I had been mugged but I didn’t want to ruin their night out so I pretended I was fine and took a taxi home.

As I walked through the front door I felt exhausted. Both mentally and physically. My feet were sore from standing too long in my high heels and my mind was tired from all the emotions I had felt. Dave kissing me, me feeling guilty thinking about Peter when I should be focusing on Dave, Peter only appearing in my dreams, me hurting Daves’ feelings by pushing him away. It was all making me feel tired and confused.

I washed off my make-up, brushed my teeth quickly and got into my pyjamas. I drank a couple of glasses of water before throwing myself onto my bed and as I did, I drifted off almost immediately.