Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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I held my hands over my face, slowly coming back to reality.

“I’m fine. Just an odd dream that’s all.”

Lisa came over to the bed looking very happy. “What time is it?” I asked.

“It’s just past four. We had the best time! Chris is wonderful! Weird how we haven’t met until now. I mean, disregarding that first time when we were barely conscious ha!”

She looked so excited. I managed a half smile. “Sounds great Lisa, Look I’m really tired. Could we

talk about it tomorrow? I wanna hear all about it, trust me, but if you tell me now I probably won’t remember anything anyway.”

“Yeah, of course, no prob. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow…you do look tired.” She smiled and hopped off the bed. “Sleep tight! Don’t let the bed bugs bite!” She skipped out of my room and down the hall to her bedroom. In some ways she reminded me of my younger sister. I probably treated her like a younger sister as well.

I fell back asleep, into a dark dreamless sleep this time.

As I woke up I felt disappointed that I hadn’t had more time with Peter. It had been too short. Maybe if we had ignored the light we could’ve had more time together, but there was no use in pondering over it.

I got up, feeling a slight headache. Probably due to the drinks I’d had the night before. Dave crossed my mind and I felt a twist of guilt again, hoping he was OK. I would have been quite upset if it had been the other way around. A guy pulling away from a kiss with me, I would have felt ugly and unsure of myself. But he was a guy, they seemed to be more confident in that area than women