Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“Hear what?”

“Someone’s saying my name.” Peter looked confused.

“I can’t hear anything.”

It was getting closer as I heard it again. I tried localizing the sound. I stood up and turned around. Squinting my eyes I saw a light approaching. The closer it got I saw that it had shapes and then became a woman in a long white dress walking with bare feet towards me. I recognized the woman, only before, she had been a mermaid. She had the same long golden hair and dazzling light blue eyes, but instead of fins, she now had legs. She held out her hand and smiled lovingly my way. She said my name again, but her lips weren’t moving. I understood now why Peter couldn’t hear her. ’Come’, I heard her say in my head. I didn’t feel scared but I didn’t want to leave Peter. I turned ever so slightly to him. ’Not him, only you’. I looked over at her. ’Why?’ I didn’t speak either, it was more like a thought. ’It’s time to let him go.’ She looked serious as she said it. I felt my stomach turn. ’Why?’ I looked at her with big watery eyes. ’You must let him go’, she said.

“But why?” I heard myself say out loud. Feeling upset and a bit angry. Peter sat up at that.

“Why what? Are you OK?”

I shook my head as if to come back to reality, if that’s what you could call this place.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.”

“But I can tell that you’re not.” He stood up next to me. “What are you looking at?” he said squinting his eyes. The female, whatever she was, because she clearly wasn’t human, although she looked like a beautiful glowing female human, was standing quite close to us, so