Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“I’d better get these cleaned.” I said, showing her my hands. She looked at them and then over at the painting.

“You know Alex, I reckon that’s the best thing I’ve seen you paint. He almost looks real, but faraway at the same time. Like a faded dream.”

Yep, that is exactly what it was. I thought as I thanked her for the compliment and walked to the bathroom to have a long, warm shower.


I was eating some pasta with garlic bread in front of the TV, some fantasy program was on that I hadn’t seen before. I had changed into the most comfortable clothes I could find, a baggy pair of cotton trousers, a black tight T- shirt and a big black hoody with my damp hair hanging loosely in a messy ponytail. My mouth was full of garlic bread as I heard the doorbell. Lisa shouted: ”I’ll get it!” As she dashed to the front door. I was guessing it was probably Chris, and as she opened the door it was unmistakable my bestie coming through. I heard them giggling and exchanging words but couldn’t quite hear what they were saying. They both came through to the living room where I was, a couple of minutes later. Lisa’s makeup was perfect and her hair was styled with a side fringe and looking very stylish. She was wearing the same tight jeans as before but had changed her top to a velvety blue strap top that hung quite low at her cleavage and she was wearing accessories that complimented her outfit.

She basically looked like she was going out clubbing. Chris wasn’t far off either, wearing a nice pair of dark jeans and a dark red shirt.

“You guys heading out or something?” I asked, chewing as I spoke.