Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“Well you sure aren’t going out, that’s for sure. You ill or something?” Chris said half jokingly, but concern showing in his eyes.

“What? No.” I shook my head feeling a little offended by his comment, but also knowing that I wasn’t exactly dressed like a princess either.

“I know I look awful, no need to rub it in. I’m just having a lazy day that’s all.”

“OK, cool, cool. You know we love ya!”

“You’re always gorgeous hun!” Lisa cut in, but as she said it she was looking at Chris.

“We’re just gonna hang here I think?” Chris said as he looked over at Lisa. She nodded.

“Sure, we can hang here, whatever you want is cool.” “Hey Alex.” Chris said as he took a couple of steps

forward and sat down on the edge of the couch. “What happened with Dave?”

“Well, nothing really. He kissed me, but then I felt tired and had a headache and needed to go home.” I didn’t want to go into details with him about what had happened just now, not when all they wanted to do was have some alone time anyway. I raised my shoulders quickly.

“You sure? I saw him before we left, we never spoke though, but he didn’t look very happy.”

“I don’t know Chris.” I looked up at him, not knowing what to say. Lisa was standing there and I hadn’t told her about Peter.

“Is this about the dude from your dream?” He gave me an ’oh please’ look. Lisa looked from Chris to me to Chris again.

“Dream dude? What dream dude?”

Lisa loved new information on peoples’ love life or other gossip so she seemed to be paying more attention to