Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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me as soon as he’d said it. Earlier she had looked like she was wanting to leave the room with Chris, her feet slightly pointed towards the hall, but now she took a step towards me and leaned in closer, looking as if I was going to reveal the worlds biggest secret. My shoulders hunched down as I closed my eyes and bent my head up in defeat.

“Oh my God!” Lisa said putting her hand in front of her month. “Is it the guy you painted?” Chris looked up at Lisa, then back at me and frowned.

“You painted him?”

“Yeah, she did, you wanna see it?”

“Hell yeah!” Chris announced as they dashed off into my room leaving me on the couch. I put my hands in the air and then on my head. Here we go I thought. I heard them chatting but it was muffled, then they came back with grins on their faces.

“So that’s what he looks like. Not bad, not bad. A bit rougher around the edges than Dave but it’s a good looking fellow you’ve dreamt up there missis.” Lisa was standing next to him shaking her hands in excitement.

“WHAT DREAMS?” she said pronouncing each letter as if we were half deaf. I gave Chris a sarcastic stare.

“Fine, I’ll tell you. But swear you’ll not make fun of me, swear you’ll be helpful in this crazy situation.”

Chris and Lisa looked at each other simultaneously. “Of course hun, we’re your friends.” Lisa looked

sincere and I knew Chris had already been nice about it.

So I told them everything, more in detail this time. I told them about the meadow where we’d met, I told them about the mountain where we’d climbed the tree and seen the beautiful flowers and about the forest with the beautiful lights. Mostly I told them how it felt and how it differed from other dreams.