Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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Chapter 22


Letting Go


I opened my eyes and saw dark clouds in the sky making it semi dark and hard to tell what time in the day it was. I felt cool grass where my palms lay by my side. I started pulling myself up and noticed that I was still in my pyjamas, a pair of striped shorts and a top with the words ’do I look like a morning person’ in black and pink. But where was I now?

I stood up and felt chilly. Looking around I saw a field.

I was standing next to an apple tree. I recognized the place. It was the same field where I had first met Peter, but now it was dark and the tree didn’t have blossoms like the last time I’d been here. Instead it stood there without blossoms, the branches naked and dark looking. The grass on the field had gone from a luscious green to a dull faded green. I shivered as I stood there. Maybe Peter would be here somewhere.