Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“Peter!” I called out. But got no response. There was something off about this place now. The magic gone. The moon that had once stood so close to the earth was faraway and only barely visible between clouds moving up in the sky. I tried thinking of flying and tried to by taking a few steps to get some speed up, but as I jumped up in the air, gravity did its usual work and pulled me right back down again, leaving me feeling really disappointed. That had been one of my favourite things, flying. Everything just seemed like it did as if I had been awake, the magic gone. An awakened state where I couldn’t fly, where I was cold from the autumn air and where Peter wasn’t present.

I started walking, not knowing where I was going but not wanting to just stand there either. Maybe if I walked I would find Peter. Like I had in the previous dream where he had just appeared.

I walked the same path I had done when we had first met. My feet felt so cold in the damp grass. I saw the lake. Without the sun bouncing off the lake in reflection, it just looked dark and cold. I got to the edge of the lake and it wasn’t as clear as it had been before. I couldn’t spot any fish and the thought of diving in felt like suicide. I was already cold and that might set me into hypothermia.

I heard a soft cough and looked around. About thirty yards away on the shore lay a body. My heart started racing as I recognized him. I dropped my arms to my sides and started running. As I got to him I knelt down beside him.

“Peter! What’s happening? What’s wrong?” I sounded desperate, he looked so sleepy and pale.

“Alex.” His mouth curved into a smile. “You’re here.” I looked all over his body, searching for wounds or