Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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They’re a great team, Alexandra and Peter,” he said smiling.

Yeah, we were, I thought and felt a knot in my stomach. “Well, good luck!” I said as I pushed open the door. “Thanks, see ya,” he said as he bent down over his

laptop again. How he could write with so many people around him was beyond me. I felt silly, thinking it had been a sign that he had two main characters with our names. Although some of the greater love stories didn’t end up with the couple in love being together in the end. I guess I would have a completely new level of empathy as I read love stories or watched movies of great love stories from now on.


It was just past four when I decided to head home.

Christine was giving me hints that I should, she looked at me like I had a deathly virus when all I was, was tired.

But I was happy to finally go home.

I kept my head down as I sat on the bus, I’d gone upstairs on the double-decker and was looking out the window. It was mostly cloudy, some leaves of various colour sticking to the window. A woman in her early 20’s sat next to me. She was on her mobile giggling. I could tell she was talking to a boyfriend or significant other.

There was a healthy glow to her, the kind you only get when you’re in love. Across from her on the other side of the isle there sat an older lady wearing glasses and a rain hat, the kind you tie under the chin, that was covering most of her curly grey hair. She looked forlorn, like life hadn’t been kind to her and she’d given up. It was sad to look at. Such different moods in such a small area. I felt more like the old lady. It made me think that I was going to have to try harder to be the best person I could be and