Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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truly love life. Just like Peter had described it.

I would allow myself to be sad for a while, but then I would try to be the person I was when I had been with Peter. I made that a promise to myself. I wasn’t going to end up looking like the old lady, radiating nothing but despair. I wanted to look happier. I wanted to be happy in life. Maybe I’d meet Peter in another life, if there was such a thing. I had always been skeptical of reincarnation before, but hope is strong and it was changing my beliefs.


Lisa was home when I walked through the door. She ran down the hall in a pink top and jeans and gave me a big hug.

“Hi sweetie!”

“Hi.” I returned the hug. Then let go and she looked at my eyes.

“Ah hun, you do have sad eyes, you look tired. I think a cosy evening is just what you need. Chris is gonna be here soon. What take out should we get?”

“Oh I don’t know. Pizza maybe?”

“Yep, let’s do it. We’ll call dominoes pizza as soon as Chris gets here OK?” I nodded as I started taking off my coat and my boots. Lisa was right, I did need a cosy night in.

I had just changed clothes to a dark blue one piece as I heard Chris walk through the door. I walked out and said hi. He was in his work clothes, a suit and tie. It made him look quite handsome, like James Bond. He was holding a bottle of wine.

“Hey Alex! I heard about your nightmares, bummer.” “Yeah…bummer.”

If I talked about it I might start crying so I left it at that and we walked into the kitchen and made our order of the