Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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my hands. I went to grab a branch and felt my hand slip from it and the branch my right foot was on broke in the wind. I fell, my heart pounding hard, knowing I was falling to my death. But then I had a thought, I had flown before in these dreams. I stretched out my arms, willing myself to fly, rather than fall, but it wasn’t working. My body was plummeting toward the sea at a high speed. It felt hard to breathe with the heavy wet air pressing against my face. And then I crashed hard onto the surface of the water, the cold pinching my body all over, aching everywhere.

I kicked my legs hard, trying to get to the surface for air. I finally splashed through the surface breathing in air heavily. As I opened my eyes, I was no longer by the mountain where I had fallen, I was in the water beside the beautiful forest where I had seen the elves. The air was yet again warm and my body wasn’t aching from the hard fall to the sea any longer. It felt like spring, the beautiful flowers with their light glow scattered across the ground. I walked up to the shore. My bare feet feeling the warmth of the sand. The light in the sky was a gorgeous pink.

“Peter!” I felt like I was searching in vain. I couldn’t see him anywhere. Still, I couldn’t help but hope that he might be here somewhere.

I started walking through the forest leaving the glimmering water behind me. The trees were huge and I could see those lights that seemed alive with the energy of the universe. I smiled a little and closed my eyes, tilting my head down for a second.

As I blinked and looked towards the ground again it had changed. It was wet and everything had turned dark and lifeless. I saw worms and spiders in the path where there had once been glorious green moss and grass.