Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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My breathing became shallow and I frowned, disgusted and frightened of what I saw. I backed up slightly before I started running, towards the tree houses I had seen, not knowing where exactly I was headed but just wanting to get away from where I stood. As I ran I saw that there weren’t any leaves left on the trees, the beautiful lights were all gone and I was alone.


In the blink of an eye I felt sand beneath my feet, and as I looked up I saw that I was no longer running in the dead looking forest. I was on the long beach where me and Peter had been riding on the beautiful unicorns. It was sunny but evening light was gracing the horizon. I sat down in the sand, thinking that there was no need to walk or run anywhere. If Peter was here, he would come to me. I looked out towards the sea and I saw a couple of boats far away, the people on board were standing with their backs to me again. I looked first to my right, mainly looking for Peter but also to see if the unicorns might be there. Then I turned my head to the left, but nothing.

I lay down on the sand looking up into the sky, a few soft clouds floating not too far away. I put my hands in the sand feeling little grains between my fingers and thinking of the way it felt having Peters fingers in- between mine. Like a perfect fit. I heard a rumble, looked to my left and gasped. There was a fierce black cloud floating along the beach headed my way. There was no gap between the cloud and the surface of the beach. I jumped up and started running in the opposite direction. It was too fast for me to outrun it and within seconds it was swallowing me. I stopped, paralyzed by fear. There was dust everywhere and it felt hard to breathe. Things were floating around me. A few pictures of Peter, a little bike, a