Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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I panicked and my mind went into overdrive to come up with a solution to avoid this situation. But all that came out of my mouth, and a little too loudly was: ”NO!” They all looked at me like I was a little crazy, Dave looked slightly taken aback.

“I mean, we’re not eating here anyway and you guys should go enjoy your food. I’m going home soon anyway, I’m really tired.”

My mum frowned at me and Dave just lifted his shoulders a bit and gave an apologetic look their way. My dad cut in.

“We should let these young kids have their privacy.

Kirsty darling, let’s go sit by our table before they give it to someone else.”

“Ok, but Alex, there was no need for that outburst.

Have you no manners?” “Sorry mum, I’m just tired.” Her face softened a bit.

“OK darling, take care. David, it was absolutely lovely to meet you.”

“Lovely to meet you too Kirsty and William. Hope to see you again soon.”

“Call me Will,” my dad added and smiled at us both as they walked away. My mum glancing back a little. I looked at Dave and felt a little ashamed.

“Sorry about that.”

“What’s there to be sorry about? They seem lovely.” He touched my knee gently.

“Well you seemed to have made a good impression anyway. I could tell by my mum’s reaction, she doesn’t hide her opinions well on things.” I laughed a little and took a sip off my wine.

Dave just kept smiling and looked pleased with