Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“Well, that’s good news. I wouldn’t want them to think badly of me.”

“I wouldn’t sweat it.” I said. It wasn’t the kind of slang I normally used but my mind wasn’t working well from lack of sleep.

“Look Alex.” He looked serious and his gaze was searching the room, avoiding any eye contact with me. “I’m really sorry about the weekend, when I came on too strong. I think I just read into the situation wrong.”

I felt bad for him, he looked embarrassed and a bit hurt.

I put my hand on his shoulder and made eye contact. “It’s OK, it’s all to do with me, it’s not you. Trust me.

It’s really sweet of you to apologize though. Most guys wouldn’t. At least that’s what I’ve experienced. Not that I go around kissing a bunch of guys.” I laughed a little and his smile reappeared.

“Ok, I’m glad.”

I finished my wine, which was making me feel even sleepier and I felt like I had to excuse myself. I wanted to go as well. If I was going to hang out with someone whilst I was feeling the way I was, it would have to be a close friend. Like Lisa or Chris. No effort involved.

“Thanks for the wine, but I think I have to go home now. I’m just feeling a little off. I might be coming down with something.” I told him the same white lie as I had told Christine.

Dave looked a little disappointed but nodded his head like he understood how I was feeling.

“OK, I hope you feel better soon. Would be nice to have a longer date next time, and I’d love to see those paintings of yours.”

Peter popped up in my head. I didn’t answer his ’longer