Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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Chapter 26


The Angel


I sat with my eyes closed and felt a warm light touching my eyelids. Focusing on the rest of my body I felt the light everywhere. On my toes, my fingers, my legs, my neck and chest and every other part of me. Even the parts that had clothing on felt as though the light was touching every inch of my skin and all the way through my body. It was a different kind of light. It was warm but didn’t burn. As I opened my eyes it was very bright, but I didn’t need to squint my eyes, I could see clearly. It wasn’t like the light from the sun. This was the light you might imagine a soul to be. I felt so relaxed and loved. Like I didn’t have the slightest weight on my shoulders. Just peace.

As I looked around all I saw was light, but somehow that didn’t bother me. I could quite happily have sat there