Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“Sounds lovely.” She smiled brightly as we left the gallery. The café was only a few minutes walk away. It was drizzling slightly so we pulled open our umbrellas, which seemed meaningless since the drizzle seemed to be hanging in the air rather than falling down like normal rain.

We got to the café. It was the one where I had met the writer but I couldn’t see him there now as I peeked in and had a look, which I was quite happy about. I didn’t want to hear him talk about ’Alexandra and Peter’. It just felt too painful and as it was, I was managing to get through the day without feeling like I wanted to curl up into a little ball and feel sorry for myself. So far so good anyway.

We sat down at a booth in the middle of the café and took off our coats before getting up to buy something. My mum went first and got a chicken sandwich and a coffee and looking at her order I decided to get the same.

I wrapped my hands around the cup to heat them up and took a sip. My mum put down her coffee on the table and looked at me.

“So…David seems lovely.”

Yep, here we go, I suppose it was unavoidable.

“Yes, he is a nice guy,” I said as I took a bite out of my sandwich.

“Are you going to see him again?” She asked.

I chewed for a while, maybe a little longer than necessary but I needed the time to think about how I was going to answer her question.

“I think so yes, but mum, it really isn’t a big deal, we’ve only just met, it might not become anything… OK?” I gave her a serious look.

“Well, if he’s as great as he seems you can’t just let him pass you by? You’d be mad to do that.”