Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“Lower your voice Alexandra. People are looking.”

“I don’t care,” I said, sounding more like a child which wasn’t helping my argument. I felt like I was being told off, and out of nowhere I felt a lump in my throat and I was fighting off tears. My mum could tell that I was upset. She tilted her head and looked concerned.

“Oh darling, I’m sorry. I just want you to be happy.” “Trust that I will do the right thing then. Dave might be

a perfect guy, but he might not be ’my’ perfect guy.”

My mum pushed her lips together in a line and nodded, looking as if she was debating inside her head if it was good to push the subject further or not. She finally said: “I do trust that you’ll make the right choice for you.”

Suddenly it was as if I was ten years old again and having been told off by my mother who was now comforting me instead.

“How about I get you a nice cake from the counter.”

It felt like she was trying to make up for being hard on me, so I decided to go with it. We changed subjects for a while after that and I tried to cool myself down. I had only eaten half the sandwich and a couple of small bites of the chocolate cake mum had bought for me. I had lost my appetite after the conversation about my love life.

We were about to leave as my mum made a noise indicating that she had another thing she’d forgotten to say.

“Have you spoken to your sister yet?”

“Oh, sorry mum, I’ve had a bad week with very little sleep, I forgot. But I’ll call her later today OK, I promise.” “Please do. I worry so much over your sister. I really


“She’s a teenager, that’s what they’re like.”

“Well, she’s worse than you or Jason ever were, I can