Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“Excuse me, where am I?” I heard her saying.

There was a roar of laughter in the background from a couple of people from what I could tell.

“You a wee bit lost there?” some male deep voice said. “Yes actually, what’s this pub called?” I heard my sister

saying with an annoyed tone to her voice. Then a female voice cut in.

“You’re at Spiers bar love, do you need help calling someone, you look a little worse for wear. Are you talking to someone on your mobile there?”

“Yes, my sister, she needs to come get me.” Her voice sounded further away.

“Well it’s always good holding the phone up to your ear, I don’t think she can hear you from there.” The female voice said, but she didn’t sound sarcastic, she sounded concerned and I wondered how drunk my sister actually was, or worse, if she’d taken drugs. Then I heard the female voice right at my ear.


“Yes hello, this is Alex, Emma’s sister, is she OK?” “I think so, but…em…I think she’s pretty wasted.” “Where did you say you were?”

“Spiers Bar.” “OK, hang on.”

I held the earpiece away for a couple of seconds. “Driver, do you know where Spiers Bar is?” “The one on Ferry Road? Aye.”

“Drive us there now please.” “No problem.”

I held the phone back to my ear.

“I’m on my way, I’ll be there in a few minutes. I know I don’t know you but could you do me the hugest favour and keep an eye on her until I get there?”