Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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She yawned and nodded her head at the same time.

“I feel bad, like in here,” she said pointing at her heart. “Oh hun, I know, but you’ll be fine, focus on what an

ass he is and then you’ll know he’s not worth missing.” “I know, I know. Hey, did you talk to mum?” “Yeah.”

She looked on edge hanging on my words, wondering what the verdict would be.

“I told her you came knocking on my door, that you were heartbroken and needed to talk to me. You’re going to have to apologize to them though. You don’t know what they go through when you’re out like that. You should’ve heard mum yesterday, she was so worried. She loves you so much, don’t mess with that, it’s selfish. And I know you’re not really a selfish person right?”

Emma looked around, as if processing what I’d said. “OK, I’ll apologize. I feel bad about it actually. I’ll be better.”

“Good, I know you will,” I said smiling at her.

“Hey, do you have like a top I could borrow? This one smells like beer,” she said pulling it out from her body and frowning as if it was very dirty.

“Sure, you know where to find my clothes, just pick something and I’ll wash your top before mum gets it back, because if she smells that you WILL be in a lot of trouble.”

She headed to my room as I made myself some toast and poured a glass of orange juice.

Lisa told me about her previous evening, she’d met up with Chris for a while but he had to get up early for something so they’d both gone home fairly early…for a Friday evening that is.

Emma walked back in the kitchen wearing one of my