Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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tops, a light blue tight top with a v neck and long sleeves. It was a casual top but it was a nice fit and would have looked good with a fitted blazer.

“I didn’t know you knew Peter?” Emma said as my jaw dropped, thinking I must have heard her wrong.

“What?” I whispered and had to repeat myself. “What?”

“Peter, the guy in your painting, it looks just like him anyway.”

“Looks like who?” I said, almost sounding agitated, thinking she was pulling some wicked trick on me. She rolled her eyes.

“Peter,” she said again like I was stupid. Lisa’s eyes were going back and forth between me and Emma as if she was watching a tennis game.

“Who is Peter?”

Emma put her leg up casually on a nearby chair that no one was using.

“He’s my friend’s older brother, quite hot actually. I thought you knew him, you painted him perfectly, looks just like him.”

I just stared at her. She grinned at me like I was crazy. “What’s wrong with you? Why are you looking at me

like that?”

“I don’t know him…I think,” I said and looked away. “Really? That’s crazy, you’ve just drawn his double

then ha!” she said taking a piece of my toast before continuing.

“He’s just come out of a coma you know, was in a bad accident a couple of weeks ago, he was lucky to survive. He’s in hospital now, recovering.”

Me and Lisa looked at each other, both with our mouths open. Emma looked at both of us.