Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“What the hell is wrong with you guys? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“A coma! She was talking about a coma.” “Who? The angel?” Lisa looked at me excitedly.

“Yes, that’s what she must have meant. ’Not asleep nor awake, mind the heart you will break.’ What else could it be?”

“Do you think she was talking about Dave’s heart getting broken then?” Lisa said.

I looked at her as she asked me and said with a sigh: “Yeah, maybe.”

I focused on Emma again.

“What hospital is he in?” I said looking at her and she just stared at me, so I asked her again, pronouncing every word clearly as if talking to a deaf person.

“What hospital is he in?”

“Jeez, take a chill, he’s at the Royal Infirmary OK.”

Me and Lisa exchanged looks. Then Lisa spoke: “Let’s get you dolled up hun.”

It was like a whirlwind for the next hour. Lisa got my outfit ready whilst I took a shower, trying not to get too excited about it. It could all just be a crazy coincidence. But I couldn’t help myself, I was excited from my head to my toes. I felt energy in my body like I was about to do a bungee jump or something. The guy that was writing that book popped into my head, maybe the universe had been showing me signs all along?

Lisa had picked out a pair of tight jeans, a fitted red top, the same top I had worn on the night me and Chris had gone out to see the band play the first time, a couple of round earrings in silver that weren’t too big, a fine silver bracelet and a pair of black high heels. Lisa had got my permission to tell Emma the whole story of me and