Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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Peter whilst I had been in the shower, so Emma was now up to date and they were both helping me get ready.

“OK guys, I can take it from here, you two gotta get ready as well. I’ll need your moral support!”

They looked at each other and dashed off to get ready.

We all met in the hallway twenty minutes later. “How do I look?” I asked them, feeling my nerves

kicking in. They gave me sweet looks, a bit too sweet. “OK, guys, I’m not in a bloody wedding gown.” “You look great! As always might I add,” Lisa said

shoving us all out the door.

“Now let’s get this show on the road,” she announced as we dashed down the stairs and out into the sunshine heading towards the bus stop.

As we got on the bus a thought hit me. What was I going to say? If that truly was him? Hi, remember me? Crazy dreams right? No, that would sound ridiculous. He might not have a clue who I was. Oh God, I felt my stomach turn and my hands were getting sweaty. Lisa noticed.

“Take a deep breath. You’ll be fine.” I looked her in the eyes.

“You sure?”

“More than fine hun.” She gave me the biggest smile and I couldn’t help but smile back.

We finally got off the bus right outside the hospital, a white building with a roof over the entrance that looked more like a huge window. We walked in through the entrance and up to the front desk.

“Hi,” Lisa said, taking charge. “We’re here to see Peter…” she quickly realized she didn’t know his last name, and neither did I.

“Wallace,” Emma cut in. “Peter Wallace, he was in a