Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“Oh yes, he’ll be in the recovery department on the second floor.”

We looked at each other with big excited expressions and I thought my nerves might make me explode.

“But visiting hours aren’t until 3 pm so you’ll have to wait,” the secretary at the desk added.

“What?” I said and turned my head feeling disappointment spreading through me, I had to know now if it was him or not. I had to know. Not in three hours.

“But we’re only here for a short time,” Lisa tried. The secretary looked up from under her glasses. “Sorry.” Then she looked down again.

We started walking with heavy steps towards the entrance doors when Lisa pulled me sideways to the left, to where the lifts were and one was about to shut. We all tip toed in and were lucky enough to not be discovered.

I pressed the ’2nd floor’ button and saw my hand shaking. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The elevator door opened and we stepped outside into a corridor.

“Where do we go now?” I asked. Emma looked at me with a grin.

“Funny you should ask. He’s over there, fourth door on the left. I came along with Dana once during visiting hours when he was still in his coma.”

I didn’t hear the last of her sentence, I was just staring at the fourth door to the left. It was now or never. If it wasn’t him, I could just say ’sorry, wrong room’ and walk out. And if it was him, what would I do then? I felt a hand push me, it was Lisa.

“Go get him.”

My legs started moving, but it was like they were made