Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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finger and told him where he could stick it!” she said with a proudness to her voice, but with sad eyes.

“You go girl!” I said, before continuing.

“But are you OK hun? It still sucks a bit right? Wanna have a glass of wine or something and a chat about what an ass he is?”

“Oh it's OK, I feel better after having had a long run.

I'm heading out later to a dance show. I'm gonna keep my head high for today, don't wanna get to the dance show all red eyed. Besides, he's not worth the tears!”

“Damn straight girl! You deserve way better than that dooch bag!”


She looked past me over my shoulder. “Who’s the hottie in your painting?”

“Oh,” I said and turned my head to the canvas. I had been completely lost in my painting. I had used a small pencil in order to try and get the details just right. His eyes were mostly done, part of his facial lines and most of his hair, slightly wavy blowing in the breeze.

“I don't know, he's a man I dreamt of last night.” “Well lucky you!” she said with a giggle and a smile. “Having fun in our dreams are we?”

I looked at the painting feeling lost in it.

“No,” I almost whispered. “It wasn't like that…it was…” I shook my head, as if coming to my senses and looked over at Lisa.

“So what time is it?”

She looked at her Iphone. “Six.”

“Six?” I said shockingly. I'd got lost in time, I thought I'd sat there for an hour, tops!

“I’d better get ready, I'm off to my parents for dinner