Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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“What’s on the menu today mum?” I asked

“It’s pulled pork and potatoes, and I have a lovely pudding! Chocolate mousse, one I learned from watching Nigella Lawson! It’s lovely, I’ve already tried it,” she said looking very proud.

“Sounds great mum!”

“So Alex,” my dad looked up at me.

“What’s new in your life? How is your flat mate? What was her name again? Lisa was it?”

“Oh she's fine,” I replied

“Not much to report on my life dad. Work is going well. Did I tell you we got some great paintings from a Swedish painter a couple of weeks ago, Hanna Ekegren? They've sold really well. You need to come in and see the new paintings we've put up, they're so inspiring. I get lost in them!”

“Yes, Kirsty.” He leaned towards my mum. “We have to go visit Alex at her work and see the new paintings.”

“Yes of course,” came her reply.

“I’ll go if you’ll let me wind up your boss. She never even understands that I'm winding her up, no sense of humor that lady, or robot or whatever she is haha!”

“Jason, don't get me fired!! Might be better if you DON’T come visit me at work. It's a bit too risky,” I said putting a frown on my face.

I took a sip of my wine.

“Alex, dinner will be ready in about 10 minutes. Could you be a doll and go up and get your sister?”

“Yep, sure thing.”

I walked out to the hallway and up the beige carpeted stairs to the second door on the right. On the door was a sign 'KEEP OUT'. I knocked on the door.

“Hey Emma, it's me Alex. You gonna let your big sis