Dreamscape by Heidi Hallifax - HTML preview

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branches going up and said: “I wonder what’s at the top?”

He looked over at it and up towards the mountain and the fluffy white clouds at the top.

“Let’s find out!” he said and winked at me. The way he looked at me made me blush.

We walked over to the tree.

“Ladies first? I’ll be right behind you to catch you if you fall.”

His words made me feel safe as I took my first step onto a low branch that was maybe 20-30 inches up. It felt steady and strong so as long as we held on tight we’d be fine. Besides, I had to remind myself that I knew this was a dream so technically I couldn’t die, but it felt so real that the thought of falling still frightened me.

I climbed up a few branches and Peter was right behind me, he felt like a safety net. He was slim and looked fit but didn’t look like he lived at the gym, more like he went out running a few times a week. He was in my eyes, just perfect.

Some of the branches had beautiful pink and white flowers, they looked a bit like orchids but were bigger and incredibly vivid in colour and smell. Other branches were empty without any growth of leaves or flowers.

It wasn’t hard to climb, there were plenty of places to put my feet and push myself up. We had climbed pretty high when I looked down at Peter who smiled back up at me, then I reached for a branch without looking and misjudged the distance. I lost my grip and started desperately reaching for another tree branch but I had already started falling away from the tree and started to scream out of fear. I felt a hand around my waist just before my feet left the tree.

“I got you,” he said into my ear as he held me tighter